Text import option error
Unable to open Ai file. It shows Text import error. Please advice how to fix

Please accept my sincere apology for the inconvenience. Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – https://helpx.adobe.com/support.html . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.
sthefany freitas commented
Tive um problema com tal janela dizendo "Text import Options'' e desde entao meu projeto do illustrator abriu apenas em branco com nada dentro da prancheta, sendo que estava com o auto save ativado e tinha o projeto salvo em meu pc
ramkumar ak commented
AI file its showing some import text options and a blank page appears.
How to recover file? -
Ovais Ahmed Hamdani commented
I saved a design couple of days ago, now its showing some import text options and a blank page appears.
it never happened before.
recently i updated to 2022 update.i need solution or at least a way to backup or keep copies of previous work like .bak file or corel something.
Julschauer commented
I'm having this problem too. I'm sick of people blaming the user when it's Adobe that's being so buggy. I've been working in Adobe for more than 20 years now. It's just gotten buggier and buggier. Almost everyone needs to work on a Network of some type. You can't keep blaming everyone else and not taking care of your customers.
Anonymous commented
I have got this problem too
Anonymous commented
I'm having this problem too! HELP
Gina commented
has anyone actually had any useful responses regarding this issue?
I've suddenly got this problem and don't know how to fix.
Rishabh Goel commented
Please help I am having the same problem with my .ai file cant open
malay commented
text import option error... my imp work has lost.....the ai file was shows blank page.....how to solve this problem...and how i can get my work back???????
ritika patel(Illustrator team) commented
Thanks for reporting the issue. It would be helpful if you can share the file with us.
Please share it on ShareWithAi@adobe.com with the link of this user voice issue as the subject line. A well please let me know the Illustrator version that you are working on and your operating system information.Regards,
Illustrator team -
[Deleted User] commented
Bump! Would appreciate some assistance. ****'s not working either. AI Files opening to a blank file after the Text Import Options box.
Anonymous commented
run illustrator -> file -> open -> select the file that you want to open, that's it. :)
Anonymous commented
alguien a podido resolver el problema de error? no he podido solucionarlo y la verdad es un archivo muy importante :/
Anonymous commented
Me too