Placed .tiff file making vector image disappear
In my line of work we have "distresses" that we place over the vector image that we've created. The distresses are .tiff files and with the last update have began making the vector image disappear. When printed everything is fine. However most of the time we also have to export as a .png to send our customers a proof and we have to export several times before getting a .png we can use.

Jotham commented
@sara bentley I have a workaround for you. Convert the distressed 1 bit tiff files to grayscale in photoshop. Copy the layer in photoshop and paste it in the Illustrator file. Select your artwork and group it together. Place the distressed artwork over the artwork where you want it (you can turn on multiply in transparency if you have trouble seeing because of the white background). Then with the artwork and distressed tiff file selected go to the transparency palette and select make mask. This will knock out any areas that are black or shades of gray showing the background color. The preview issue only seems to effect 1 bit files.
Sarah Khan (Illustrator team) commented
Hi Sara,
We already have a bug regarding Rasterization of bitmap tiff and bitmap psd: AI-4212806. Thank you for reporting the issue.
Sarah -
Sara Bentley commented
Yes they are.
Sarah Khan (Illustrator team) commented
Hi Sara,
Are these bitmap tiffs?