Illustrator Known Issue - Adobe Illustrator crash when run running around 30 minutes on multiple document.
Hello Adobe Team,
There is known issue on Page 13 of the below link
In our process we work around 2000 to 2500 documents in one go. Could you guys address this issue as soon as possible.
Problem described in this thread arises due to using a single script for processing thousands of files without changing the context.
A single script is executed in a single context inside the Illustrator application and we don’t have any mechanism to pause the script for changing the context thus allowing the OS to recover the resources used in this context.
So instead of using a loop inside the script that is being executed inside the Illustrator application, we are suggesting to use CEP extensions and sending the script to Illustrator for execution in the loop. Now the user can create a string that may contain all the commands that need to be done for a single document and can have loops in the CEP extension to create these strings for each document and send a signal to Illustrator for the execution of these commands. In this fashion user can process thousands of documents without restarting the application and resources would be reclaimed by the OS as each script will run in its own context and the user would have more control over the execution and can even apply some timer or pause for automation.
So for example:
The following steps can be taken:
• Create a CEP Extension and in which create an object of CSInterface.
• Run a for loop for all the files to be processed.
• Create a string containing all the commands that will be sent to the Illustrator for this particular file.
• call CSInterface.evalScript for processing of all the commands in string created above.
• user can even set timeout or sleep using javascript functions (setTimeout, sleep).
Anonymous commented
I have experienced great frustration from my clients due to this bug. No matter what we do, we have to tell them "just quit Illustrator" and that is very frustrating as it makes them think that our programming is flawed.