Text cursor too thin to see
Editing text in Adobe Illustrator CC2020 has become harder than the previous version I was on, CS5.5. I produce infographics. Text is a vital component. It's harder now than ever before because Adobe has made the text cursor bar so thin, it's barely visible.
I'm using the latest CC2020 on the latest Catalina macOS on a 2019 27-in 5K iMac. Is it the 5K screen that is affecting the cursor? Please, Adobe, just thicken it up by a pixel or two. Currently it's so thin, it's hard to find it when editing text.

If tweaking the Preferences > User Interface > UI Scaling slider does not help to solve this problem, please make some screenshots or a short video of the problem, and post in a reply, along with your exact specs for the OS and the monitor used, for the team to try to reproduce it.
Oliver Malms commented
Cursor is just a thin hairline, no matter what the text size is. Under some circumstances it is very hard to see, especially, when not on a plain white background or on the edge of a text box. Scaling the UI is no solution as everything else should stay as it is, only the cursor needs to be more visible on high resolution displays. (iMac Retina 5K, 27")
David commented
Is there any way to make the flashing text insertion cursor more visible in Illustrator? When setting type for paragraphs, I'm always having to hunt around to find out exactly where it is. Can the color be changed from something other than black and can it be a little bolder/more obvious?
jmalden commented
The TextArea object is USELESS on MacOS as you CANNOT tell where the cursor is. The cursor needs to be twice as wide. This has been broken for years and ADOBE CONTINUES to IGNORE IT.
Dimo Valev commented
I have the same problem - the text cursor is practically invisible. Scaling the interface is not an option - I don't want bigger panels; they are alright; I just want the text cursor to be bigger or bolder.
MattN Kelley commented
I'd like to be able to also change the color of the Text cursor because its too thin AND I need to make it stand out against different backgrounds as I work.
Paulie P commented
i had this problem and if anyone still needs an answer. this is what i did that worked for me. i closed Ai. i left clicked the Ai tab in my taskbar then left clicked on Ai option from there i went to properties then Compatiblity tab on top clicked on that then change dpi settings then on the bottom an option override high dpi scaling behavior clicked on that and picked "application" from the drop down.
jmalden commented
UI Scaling does not fix this. Please fix this issue.
Rachel Relyea commented
Its 2022 and still an issue - please just give us a regular cursor
Aaron Radder commented
This issue apparently just needs votes. Please take a second to click the "Vote" button. It's been far too long.
Ray Cabarga commented
Varun I don't have that slider. I'm on uPdater 24.something and frankly I can't afford to update because each update gets progressively worse.
Aaron Radder commented
The UI slider does not affect width. Just a switch somewhere for wider cursor would be so helpful. It's impossible to see the cursor as-is on my 4K 28".
Graphic Gibbon commented
Hi Varun,
Did you see my reply? Scaling the UI does NOT fix the issue. It's a bug. Working with text is nightmare in Illustrator CC2020. Can you please fix it?
Ninian -
Graphic Gibbon commented
Hi Varun,
Sorry for delay in replying. Scaling the UI (even to the max) has no effect on the thickness of the text cursor. I've attached four full screen shots of an example graphic with the UI set to "Small", the way I work. I bet if I hadn't ringed where the cursor is (it's in the same location in each shot), you'd have been hard pressed to find it. Now imagine having to do that while working to a newspaper industry deadline? Not a lot of fun.
Ninian -
@Ben Ellenbroek: This functionality(UI Scaling) was added in CC 2019. CS6 will not have this.
Ben Ellenbroek commented
Unfortunately the UI Scaling slider is missing in my CS6 Illustrator (Dutch).
Scaling UI would really solve my problem with the thin cursor as well as the small menus.