I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 26.1.0 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App: https://helpx.adobe.com/in/creative-cloud/help/creative-cloud-updates.html
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
ajabon grinsmith commented
This phenomenon seems to occur when the time between selection by clicking and Ctrl+D is short.
About 0.3 seconds is enough to reproduce this. -
Oh yes. Now I understand that, and I must say I suffer from this myself all the time and had to ditched using Ctrl+D with width/height operations altogether, using it only for Move.
Glad that some one reported it, because I never had a time to start the investigation on this even.
Here are the steps for those who wants to get it:
1. Create a rectangle with a definite dimensions, like 30×10
2. Hold Alt and drag a copy of it below
3. Press Ctrl+D multiple times to get a column of similar rectangles — everything is OK so far
4. Now select the very first one, set the transformation reference point to the left, and change the width to a definite value, like 20
5. Select the one rectangle below and press Ctrl+DYou expect illustrator to repeat the transformation, and to get the same 20×10 rectangle you just made before. Instead, Illustrator changes the width to seemingly random values, like 15, 10, 5, minus infinity... Try to repeat pressing Ctrl+D for each of the rectangles below — each values will be different. The order can look like a progression or be completely random if you you try different shapes and dimensions.
As stated in one of the comments, pressing Undo and Ctrl+D after applies a correct transformation.
If you try older version of Illustrator, you’ll also get a position change, like if the transformation is applied from the original point of the originally transformed shape — and I believe this is what causes the bug.
It was fixed at some moment, but not fully. At least we don’t have the result we intend to get.Thank you all so much for raising this up. I hope we can make something about it.
ajabon grinsmith commented
Ten_Aさんの補足にあるように、1つを変形したら次の長方形 "だけ" を選択しなおすこととなります。
What he did was to click, Crtl+D, click, Ctrl+D, and repeat. Does this explain it? -
Ten_A commented
kamさんの見本の様に同一形状のものが並んでいてこれを個別に変形する場合において1. 一番上の四角形を選択し変形パネルの幅を数値入力し変形させる。
2. 先の四角形の選択を解除し、直下にある四角形を選択する。
3. ⌘+D(変形の繰り返し)で変形する。
4. 選択を外し、以下同様に各四角形を「変形の繰り返し」で変形させる。
5. 変形させた各四角形の寸法が一定にならずばらつきが生じる。変形の繰り返しで同一サイズの四角形を変形しているにも関わらずばらつきが生じるのはおかしいという指摘です。
Egor, Please refer below.
https://community.adobe.com/t5/illustratorフォーラム-discussions/変形の繰り返しバグ/td-p/12612737 -
kam commented
kam commented
kam commented
Can you give exact steps to reproduce it?
Looking at the picture I don’t really understand what you tried to do.
A video will suffice too.