PNG import broken
Illustrator 25.4.8. (on macOS 10.14.6) can't import PNG files any more. For PNG files that have already been placed in previous versions, Illustrator reports a broken link and doesn't allow to relink. (PNG import worked fine in the previous version of Illustrator.)

If this issue still happens for you, please share a PNG image that Ai fail to place. You can do this directly in the comment or send it over to if you are not allowed to share it publicly.
There is a separate report on failing specifically with 1-bit PNGs you can upvote also, if it’s your case.
do+dare undie co. commented
We need this to be working. See image. v28.7.1 (64-bit) Windows 11.
@hofmann-kinzl christian, I really don’t have Place problems with any of PNGs I place daily, except for 1-bit ones (reported separately).
That’s why I asked if anyone who reported this still have this problem.Some issues are far more older than this one, and it surely does not mean they shouldn’t get fixed.
You reported 1 problem, I reported 141. I don’t try to compete with anything here, either time or quantity... Fast response is always good, but if one can’t provide an example PNG that fails (and nobody in this topic did it so far) — the issue won’t get solved, and this is the only thing I care about — making Ai better, since I use it 10 hours a day.
So... do YOU still have the problem? -
hofmann-kinzl christian commented
this issue is from 2022. the reaction aint on time, dont you think?
Ben R commented
Soooooo, if we have 25.4.8 we're screwed?
Heather commented
Having same issue. Everything I read isnt helping. I cannot update Illustrator as I have this older computer and cannot update bc of storage issues. Need this to work when paying such high costs for Creative Cloud apps.
hofmann-kinzl christian commented
thx pablo!
Pablo commented
Yes. I was happy with 10.14 too.. my iMac is not that new and with 10.14 worked great. Let's see what happens with 10.15. So far not problems at all, but now I can read all my files correctly and even update to 26x.
May be if there's a way to go back to a previews illustrator version will solve it. In my case, the problem was created exactly when I updated AI to 25.4.8 (the latest compatible with 10.14x) Don't know how to go back to previews versión, but may be there's a way.
Good luck -
hofmann-kinzl christian commented
thx for your answer pablo, but i dont want to update the OS. i´m happy with 10.14 and dont want to use 10.15. i mean it worked before... why must they always change things wich are working into things they are not working omg
Pablo commented
I updated to OSX 10.15x and the problem of PNG files was solved in Illustrator 25.4..8. In my case was caused by a DxfDxwFileFormat.aip not loading because in the last update that file was outdated for OSX 10.14x as I was told by Adobe Support. Try updating the OSX and the AI.
hofmann-kinzl christian commented
same here.. totally annoying!! every single file has to be re-written to jpg ;-/
Pablo commented
Same here!! Frustrating.
Marcello V commented
I have the same problem: illustrator 25.4.8. (on macOS 10.14.6)