パッケージで拡張子が追加される Packaged PSD/TIFF links get their extensions doubled

Lily Chiu commented
I have a problem with packaging when Adobe update the new vision (27.0) automatically this morning.
when I packaging a folder, why did it add a new Filename Extension itself.
for example: the original name is HAPPY.psd, and after packaging it turns to HAppy.psd.psd in Links folder. -
RU5TY commented
I've only seen this issue with .psd and .tif links. (PNGs, JPGs, and PDFs seem unaffected here). Batch renaming post-collect is easy enough, but I'd rather stab myself in the ear with an icepick before relinking 50+ different assets.
Until this bug is addressed in the next update, my workaround will be to batch rename all the affected links and replace the collected .ai with the originating file. Either that or revert to v2651 if it's still broken.
Disappointed that such a significant function bug was not addressed before the release.
Paul commented
When packaging an illustrator file with loads of PSD links I don't want to have to go through them all one after another deleting this extra extension... and I do this a fair amount.
tess commented
In Illustrator 2023 when package files some of the images are saving as double extensions. .tif.tif or .psd.psd.
What is the workaround or solution to this?
Silas Yamakami commented
This new Illustrator update brought this bug with it. The PSD file gets a doubled .psd extension but it does not update the Ai file with the new doubled extension file. This also happens in Windows 10. I didn't check others files extensions yet.