After updating Illustrator 2023 to v27.9.2, the name gets changed to Illustrator 2024
After updating, the name should remain the original, Illustrator 2023.
using: macOS 12.7.4
language: Japanese

Verified this bug was fixed with 27.9.3 92 build.
Ten_A commented
10コほど下にある投稿ですでに報告されてて開発側も検討に入ってますよ。 -
fuij-ken commented
2023と2024の見分けがつかなくなるので紛らわしい。 -
monokano commented
This bug is causing concern among users. They are beginning to suspect that v27.9.2 is not an updated version, but rather a modified version based on 2024 (v28).
monokano commented
The application name of the Mac version of Illustrator is a localized name, and the description in the “InfoPlist.strings” file where the localization is set is incorrect.
The notation within the application bar is also "Illustrator 2024". This is not localized.追記
アプリケーションバーの中の表記も「Illustrator 2024」です。ここはローカライズではありません。