Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
57 results found
Eyedropper picks wrong color from vector art placed behind transparent image (with Shift)
I have in image on isolated transparent background, in CMYK, with no profiles.
It covers some art. I want to apply color of underlying art to another object. I pick Eyedropper tool and pick color from bottom art, holding Shift, clicking through transparent parts of my image.
AI picks wrong color, with fractions and dirty channels.
This is related to color picking in a CMYK document from real CMYK values of an image, which AI fails to do. Again, I think AI should pick REAL color.17 votesDoesn’t happen anymore.
The Eyedropper still picks wrong color from an image, but not from the art underneath it, visible through the fully transparent parts of it.
If you have a different experience, please comment back.
Transform effect + Arc effect together give wrong appearance
I have group with 3 vectorized brush strokes (each is a group itself).
I want it's height to be scaled twice and then to be distorted to arc.
I apply Transform Effect and then Arc effect.
I expect group to look like bottom one, but it looks as top one!
The bottom set is group actually scaled and distorted, the top set is group with two effects applied — it looks like AI22 scales each path within two-level group and then apply Arc to main group.16 votesThe behavior can no longer be reproduced with the latest version. If you have the same issues though — please share the file.
No longer able to use the arrow up/down keys to nudge artwork!
For some reason the arrow keys stopped working after the lastest upgrade. arrrrgh… I cannot use the up/down arrow keys to nudge artwork anymore. My workaround is to open the transform tool/panel, and play with the “X” or “Y” numbers to get a little “nudge”… so annoying! The only thing that changed on my end was that I updated the Illustrator software recently, so thinking this is an Adobe issue and not user error. Can you please fix this? Macbook pro (Retina mid 2014) OS X El Capitan.
15 votesWe could not reproduce this issue after several attempts. This issue could be due to other third party application holding the up/down arrow keys.
Releasing envelope inside AI from smart object from PS crashes AI
I have pasted art from AICC2018 as smart object inside PS.
I have saved and closed this art in AI (just in case).Now I double-click smart object inside PS and it AI opens embedded art (not that saved separate file, of course). I select envelope in this embedded art, try to release it and AI crashes.
If I try to open separate saved copy and try to release envelope — it works fine.
If I copy and paste art from embedded file into new file and then try to release envelope —it still works fine.
Please try this yourself…14 votesThis issue can’t be reproduced.
If you happen to have this problem again — please comment and attach a test file with steps.
The Generative AI Try It Box won't close after clicking on the "X" close button
The Generative AI Try It Box won't close after clicking on the "X" close button
12 votesHi All,
The issue should no longer be reproducible in the latest build available of AI available on CCD , as we have removed the contexual notification in the recent releases.
Please try it out at your end in the latest build, and let us know if the issue is resolved for you as well.
Warm regards,
Aishwarya G Gadodia
Font Suggestion/Preview Font NOT Working
When I select my text box and then go to the Font pull down menu, I used to be able to use my arrow key and scroll through the font menu. While doing this the font box in my document would preview the fonts. Now I literally have to mouse over the font in the menu, which IS EXTREMELY ANNOYING and time consuming. Please fix this feature!!!
Or I could start typing in a font and Illustrator would suggest fonts as I type - this no longer work either.
12 votesWe could not recreate this issue. This issue may not present in recent updates of Illustrator 25.2 and above. Please reach out to if you are able to reproduce this issue and want the Illustrator team to investigate this.
Unsaveable document
I encountered a problem with the current project file.
Whenever I save it, it immediately gets dirty, the asterisk in the tab header pops back instantly.
If I close the file (with save before) and open it back, it gets dirty again.I stripped all the content I had and reduced it to the minimal state of one hidden layer with one shape in it.
Once you show the layer, it gets saved OK.
Once you add a new layer — OK, which is strange, because the original has many and some are locked, some are hidden, and a lot…11 votesThe issue no longer happens, and the test file gets saved fine.
Export as PNG includes all hidden artboards into dimensions of image (V24.1)
The latest release of Illustrator no longer exports just the active content of a file, but now also includes the dimensions of all the inactive (hidden) content in a file. PNG bug 2 shows the export of a single item in an artwork with many layers and items with just the visible item (in version 24.02), PNG bug shows the same export in the 24.1 version of Illustrator, which includes the outermost dimensions of all the hidden content. It is therefore no longer possible to export a single shape from a larger design with the dimensions of that shape.
Please…10 votesThe team is unable to reproduce the issue (neither with Export As nor with Save for Web) and needs a specific file and/or steps to get the same result. Please leave these in comments or send over
Illustrator V24 won't launch
After update to V24 I cannot open illustrator at all, i keep getting this message. I have tried reinstalling and nothing works
10 votesThis issue is not reproducible any more. Please reach out to if you face this issue again
Right click on libraries
Right clicking on libraries and panel disappears. I am trying to add a color swatch and the right click menu is gone, and panel disappears.
10 votesHi All,
We are closing this ticket due to lack of response. If you are still facing this issue, please create a new ticket with the details asked below.
Anish -
illustrator crashes when opening existing files
Adobe illustrator crashes when opening existing files. After two complete re-installations (one of which was preceded by CC Cleaner), on a new machine running MacOS Catalina, the first Illustrator startup is correct. But Illustrator quits as soon as I try to open a file, even if that file has just been saved by this version.
Other CC softwares are not affected.8 votesHi,
Apologies for the inconvenience caused.
The team is unable to reproduce this issue.
Please provide the below information and help us in isolating this issue further?
1) Is this issue still happening on your machine in the latest version 24.2.1 ?
2) If yes, kindly provide some video, test file (Via File > Package) & steps with which you are facing issue.Please share the above in a Zip file at
Also, mention the title of this issue as the subject of the mail.
Scaling segment scales another segment handle
I want to scale a segment of a path, so it's handles would have more length. I select this segment with Direct Selection, then pick Scale tool, hit Enter and set uniform scale. Strangely, this scale not only handles of my segment, but one handle of the segment NEXT TO ADJACENT, one segment away. I don't need it.
Attached screen recording shows this unselected handle anchor in pink circle. After I scale my segment, position of the handle changes, although my actions should not have affect it.
8 votesSadly, the issue must have been a very specific one and can’t be reproduced anymore by the description only, and the recording seems to be lost. So it’s either fixed or extremely rare. If you can replicate it, please share the case again.
Save for Web (Legacy) does not clip transparency to visible layers as it did previously
"Save for Web (Legacy)" , previously, when saving to PNG with transparency and NOT clipped to artboard, the transparency would clip to visible layers. Now it clips to existing layers, even when the layers are not visible.
Details previously posted in an Illustrator forum: votesThe team is unable to reproduce the issue (neither with Export As nor with Save for Web) and needs a specific file and/or steps to get the same result. Please leave these in comments or send over
New Update (v24) crashes when I launch Illustrator by opening a file from finder
I'm working on macOS Mojave 10.14.6
2.9 GHz Intel Core i7
Mem 16 GB
Graphics Radeon Pro 460 4 GB Intel HD Graphics 530 1536 MBAnytime I double click on an illustrator file from a finder window to launch illustrator (it is not open) the icon bounces and then crashes.
6 votesHi,
Apologies for the inconvenience caused to you due to this issue.
We are unable to reproduce this issue in house.
Can you help the Illustrator team to isolate this issue further so that we can nail this down?
If yes, then please let me know the following:
1)Kindly provide some video , Test file(Via File→Package) & some steps with which you are facing issue.Kindly share the above with us at in a Zip file. Please mention the title of this issue as the subject of the mail
Ankit Goyal -
Changing size of area type shape with mixed font style changes all characters to one font style
I was using trial version of Illustrator CC 2017. I just purchased for a year and upgraded to Illustrator CC 2018.
Draw shape. Choose area type tool. Click path of bubble. Bubble disappears and is converted to Lorem Ipsum text with transparent path. Deselect object. Choose direct selection tool. Select the path. Choose default b/w stroke/fill. Now text is inside a white bubble with black outline. (I also used Type > Area Type Options > Inset Spacing to adjust margins inside the path, and First Baseline to X Height.)
Now, use the Type tool to select one word. Under Properties…
6 votesPlease get in touch with us at or any of the other support channels.
Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here. -
Line breaks can be included in artboard names, causing errors
I'm using Illustrator 26.0.2 on Mac OS Catalina.
I often copy titles from the art and paste them into the artboard name box. If the copied title has a line break in it, the line break character will exist within the artboard name, but will not display. (You can tell it's there when moving the cursor via the arrow key, because the cursor will not move when passing the line break character.)
If there is a line break character in an artboard name and you attempt to export the artboard, you will get a generic error. ("Unable to export the…
5 votes -
Ghost Trails
Updated the new Illustartor and now have ghost trails (copies what ever it is I am dragging a million times) everytime I click and drag a picture or text. Cant see my work, or move anything. I can close the window and reopen it and sometimes it will go away until I click and drag something again.
Adobe Illustrator CC 2018
5 votesPlease get in touch with us at or any of the other support channels – . Please give a reference to this post so that we can identify you.
Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.Thanks & Regards,
Raghuveer -
Constrain Angle Preference Setting
When changed, the preference value for constrain angle does not work with shift drag in the latest version 21.1.0.
Pen, shape tools and nudge keys appear unaffected.
The changed value only works with shift drag after application restart.
4 votesThank you for the confirmation.
Illustrator CC won's allow me to update the artboard size in Options panel.
When I change the width and height the size automatically reverts back to a size that is some 20 pixels off. I need the artboards to be precisely 2160x1920 which is the size they were when created, but somehow they change to different sizes like 2180x1916. When I try to update the size in the field, as soon as I click off the field the dimension goes right back to the old, incorrect dimension. I cannot save it out to the correct dimension. I can drag the size of the artboard with the artboard tool, but that is impossible to…
3 votes -
illustrator 26.5(64bit)にて、別名で保存ができません。ファイルメニューから別名で保存を行っても、ダイアログボックスが表示されません。
前バージョンは問題がなかったのでバージョンアップによる不具合と思われます。2 votesTakehiko Otomo さま
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