Font Suggestion/Preview Font NOT Working
When I select my text box and then go to the Font pull down menu, I used to be able to use my arrow key and scroll through the font menu. While doing this the font box in my document would preview the fonts. Now I literally have to mouse over the font in the menu, which IS EXTREMELY ANNOYING and time consuming. Please fix this feature!!!
Or I could start typing in a font and Illustrator would suggest fonts as I type - this no longer work either.

We could not recreate this issue. This issue may not present in recent updates of Illustrator 25.2 and above. Please reach out to if you are able to reproduce this issue and want the Illustrator team to investigate this.
Anonymous commented
In my case for some reason the preview feature going to disable, enable the option gets back again.
Deb Blecha commented
This morning the preview text is gone and I am seeing Roger, hungry : ate 236. Not sure what is happening, I know they intro'd big changes this week, but it was fine until late morning 6/17/2020 :(
Josh H commented
Just installed AI 2020 today and am having this same issue. When selecting the font dialog text box - before, I could use the up/down arrows to scroll through the different fonts. I've noticed that sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. It will work and I will scroll through maybe 20 fonts and then it will suddenly stop working. Then I can choose a different font by clicking through the font list and try using the arrows again - sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. The second time it may scroll through 6 fonts and then the arrows suddenly stop working. There doesn't seem to be anything consistent about it.
Joy commented
I'm having the same issue and it just started this morning? Why would something like this bug all of a sudden change?
Toby Welles commented
Workaround: I find if this happens and my fonts aren't previewing properly I can get it to work again. when I have the font pulldown menu from the Type tool's Control Bar open and set to Selected Text mode, I then select a different preview mode, say "Typography", then click back on "Selected Text" mode, it refreshes and fixes the live previewing. ---Adobe, please fix this annoying bug!---
Anonymous commented
I am also missing the font preview when trying to view through the main menu: Type > Font. This has now happened on my home computer as well as everyone's computer at work. I'm on a PC with Windows 10 (it also doesn't work on a PC with Windows 7). I had CS6 installed previously and it stopped working there, so I upgraded to CC to try to fix the problem and it persists. I use 2 monitors and Chrome as my browser (I've seen both of those as potential issues on various forums, but suggested fixes did not help on my PC).
My other option for font preview (character panel) does work, however, I prefer the Type > Font method for my workflow and this has been a huge inconvenience :(