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Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests

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580 results found

  1. Provide ability to use polygon tool from the corner of the bounding box

    Most shapes in Illustrator (e.g. the ellipse and rectangle tools) draw from the corner by default or from the centre when holding Option/Alt, but the polygon tool doesn't provide this option.

    When using the polygon tool, holding the Option/Alt key should switch to dragging from the corner of the bounding box, which would make it much easier to draw a polygon of a specific height (allowing the user to lean on features like Smart Guides for alignment).

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  2. The ability to add CSS code from the Generator to CC libraries

    Hi there, I wanted to put in a feature request that would allow a designer to add CSS code from the generator to be added to CC libraries as a text file.

    As a designer, I create elements for our dev team and they are able to take the CSS code I generate from my designs and integrate it into another product for web development. But it would be good to give them a CSS library folder where they can access the code for the designs. At the moment in my testing, it only creates a graphic of the text

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  3. transform again tool glitch

    In Adobe Illustrator, I use the transform again tool a lot during my day to day and seemingly recently, it hasn’t been affecting live or outlined type* when it will affect any other regular object. Has anyone come across this on their own or know how to fix it? It will continue to transform the text if you scale up or down as well repeating moves but when scaling objects to certain sizes using the guides and then replicating the same growth on the text object doesn’t work.

    I’ve tried ungrouping, releasing the compound path, tried intersecting the shapes, the…

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  4. Type in stroke width value instead of pull down menu in Character styles

    In Character Styles the stroke width only provides a pull down menu to choose from. It would be better if we could type in an exact value.
    The stroke width of texts needs to be very precise in my work, but the pull down menu is too limited to provide an accurate enough value. (The gaps between available options in the menu are too big.)

    When I create a new character style by selecting text and adding a new style, the style contains the correct stroke width. But when I need to adjust the width afterwards I can only…

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  5. Contextual Eyedropper Tool

    Currently, the Eyedropper Tool is an underutilized and often counter-intuitive tool that needlessly increases the complexity of a workflow because of its limitations. This- combined with Illustrator's poor color tools- often adds unnecessary time and effort to what should and could be more simplified tasks.

    For example, a common situation is that I have a shape with a fill color that I like, and I want another shape that has a stroke to also use that color, except only for the stroke. Currently, if I use the eyedropper tool on the filled shape, it will completely remove the stroke and…

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    The solution to that would be to activate a stroke if you want to apply a color to it, then to hold Shift when clicking a color — does not matter where this color is on a stroke or a fill. Illustrator then applies the picked color to the active fill/stroke, ignoring the source nature. There are two things to know — the cursor does not inform you about this mode (unlike the Alt-mode, should be addressed), and if you pick a color from a swatch — you’d get a screen representation of the color... harmless for RGB documents (if your color settings are in order), but crucial for CMYK documents (should be addressed too). Pleas comment back.
  6. Automated/AI-powered file names in Asset Export

    Asset Export needs more options to automate and/or use variables. Designers often need to export large groups of files (e.g. variations of a logo in multiple colours and sizes, with/without a claim or other element) which then have to be tediously and manually renamed and sorted to reflect things like size, color.
    It would be great if there were more option to automate the output by adding variables such as dimensions custom text fields, names of swatches used, etc This could even be an area where the use of AI might be useful to automatically detect the content and create…

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  7. Need Better (and Less-Hidden) Accessibility Tagging Options

    Please make it much easier to add accessible alt-text to InDesign documents. There should be an accessibility panel and pre-check to make it very easy for designers.

    As it is now, it's too hidden:

    Posted in reference to my tweet, at the request of Adobe Support:

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  8. Accessibility of tutorial videos, for users with hearing impairment

    I am a new creative cloud user and need to use Illustrator as part of my university course so wanted to access the learn ‘how to’ tutorials, but found the video tutorials for Illustrator does not have ‘closed captions’ nor printable version of the text. I checked some of the other Adobe programs within creative cloud and they are the same, so I contacted Adobe online chat who sent me on to an online dedicated adviser. I was then told no accessibility options available for the tutorial videos.

    Please could you pass my feedback to Adobe….

    Accessibility on the…

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  9. Set exact dimensions to one object in a group that affects the entire group.

    Example: I have 3 squares. 2 large ones and one small one overlapping the two. (see picture)
    The task is to set the small red square to exactly 140 x 140 mm without losing the proportions in size or position to the blue or green box.

    I want an exact scale up where the end result is that the red square is 140 mm x 140 mm.
    I can use rulers, but the small square doesn't snap since it isn't touching the bounding box. Using this I can eyeball it and get a result like 140.062 x 140.062 mm. I…

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  10. Font style not applying correctly

    Using the character window.
    When trying to alter pre-typed text, changing using Font Family menu in character window works, but changing using Font Style menu does not (the window states that it has changed, but the preview does not show the change)

    Operating System: Mac OS 11.4
    Illustrator Version: Beta - 25.5 360

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    I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 26.0.0 which is available worldwide now.

    Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.

    You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:

    Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!

  11. Image Trace Default black and white preset is grayscale after expanding

    When you Image Trace, using the default black and white tracing preset and expand - the black and white are grayscale. When you double click the fill in the toolbar to choose a new color for the black or white, the resulting color is a shade of gray. Then, you have to go to the Color panel and change the sliders to a different color model to be able to see the color you chose. It would be easier if the black and white were aligned with the document color mode, RGB or CMYK instead. You don't encounter this…

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  12. 'Load Paragraph styles' does not work as expected

    In InDesign, if you 'Load Paragraph styles', any Paragraph styles with the same names get updated, and any text that has those paragraph styles applied change appearance.

    In Illustrator, this doesn't happen. It ignores the imported styles as it already has styles of that name. There is no 'import options' to able to change this behaviour.

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  13. make it easier to export

    make it easier to export things...

    1 - add convert text to outlines as a check box when exporting pdfs...

    2 - add convert lines to outlines to shapes when exporting svg...

    3 - have a check box to expand compound shapes when exporting svg

    make it easier to cut copy and paste from figma to illustrator and vice versa.

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  14. Unify point tangent, angle\length\direction

    Short rationales:
    Point Angle - I need a way to control the exact angle of point handles to unify them across a design. Currently the only way to control the angle is to constrain it to vertical, horizontal, or 45 degree angles.

    Point Handle Length\Direction - If you grab a point handle and make it a different length or direction than the handle on the other side of a point, there is currently no way to re-unify them besides re-drawing the curve.
    There is also no also no way to scale handle length along the direction or angle you’ve already…

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  15. "Multiple Record Layout" data merge feature.

    I love the "Multiple Record Layout" data merge feature in InDesign. However my merged documents are often opened in Illustrator by the end user to make changes. Currently my client wants a full vector file for laser cutting shapes with custom etched names. They do not translate well with strokes becoming their own object and lines of text disconnecting. The idea to data merge 200+ names in IN makes perfect sense, but in this case the client asked they be done in AI and each name and custom info needs to be brought in by hand manually one name at…

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  16. Ai Feels Old and Unintuitive Next to New Adobe Products

    Illustrator feels old. I find myself trying to do more and more vector work in XD or Photoshop simply because Ai feels like something from the 90s. There is very little consistency in how things work in Ai versus the other adobe apps. Swatches from CC are endlessly frustrating. Too many tools appear to do the same thing slightly differently. The app seems to assume everything will eventually be printed.
    I know this is very general, but perhaps a new vector creation tool is needed in the lineup. I've tried Draw and Sketch on the iPad but they also feel…

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  17. Remove units from input boxes

    When editing a value in an input box, e.g. the width of an artboard, the unit (px) is still included in the box. This makes it harder to hit the right spot in the text with your mouse, and makes it more prone to error. It's especially annoying when performing arithmetic!

    Trying to avoid this situation: "306 p+34x"

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  18. Feedback on New Snap to Glyph(s) Functionality (Released)

    New Glyph snapping feature is available in Beta now.

    Snap to glyph(s) allows quick and precise alignment around contours of live text without the need of creating outlines or reference guides. You will see smart snapping guides for words and a line by default. You can also enable a single glyph mode by right-clicking on the targeted glyph.

    We have tried to provide as many important smart guides as possible without cluttering the workspace. We would love to hear your candid feedback. Please provide your feedback on this thread. This will be actively monitored by the Illustrator team. If…

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  19. Add a way for us to scale multiple fonts at the same time.

    For example, I'm working on a document and I have a header, sub-headers, and paragraph text that are all different font sizes. I would like for there to be a way to incrementally, increase all fonts selected, no matter the selection.

    Also, incrementally increasing/decreasing a group of fonts that are selected along with other layers should have no effect on other layers.

    A prime example of where this feature would be useful is if I were designing a report or a table and I want to increase the font size in the header and line items without selecting each layer…

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  20. It would be possible that within Adobe Illustrator you could configure web links associating them with certain areas of the screen, with cer

    I edit assignments, quizzes and exams, with musical scores in Illustrator, and add YouTube link symbols to them. For these links to work I have to open the PDF in Acrobat and insert the web links there. But if I later want to edit some text, object, or image and I open it in Illustrator, I lose all the links configuration.

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