Blob Brush changes size after undo operation
Illustrator CC 2017.1.0
I Select blob brush on 2pt.
Draw a bit with it
Hit undo and the blob brush suddenly changes to a much larger size even though it says 2pt in the menu
The only way to get it back is to go to Blob brush menu, select 1pt hit ok, then go back to blob brush menu and select 2pt again.
I expect that when I hit undo the blob brush will stay the correct size
It changes size every time I hit undo

I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 23.0.6 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Anonymous commented
I have the same problem, the only "solution" I've found is :
before to undo a line, take another tool (like selection or eraser) press undo and go back to the blob brush.
It won't change your brush size. -
Gabe commented
To the person who said, "There is no 23.0.6 available!" you may want to update/refresh your Creative Cloud app itself. Either you're not looking correctly or something else on your end is not updated.
Here is the Fixed Issues page from Adobe that shows all fixes/updates for every software update:
Also see attached image, in all its GLORY!!! -
Someone75 commented
2 years and they called it a "Feature" - adobe chaos coding club...
Someone75 commented
There is no 23.0.6 available!
Gabe commented
FINALLY!!!!! It only took, almost 2yrs (in 3 more days it would be 2yrs exactly) to get this fixed—assuming it actually is fixed, I've not yet tried the update. Thats just 2yrs from when the original post was made too, if I remember correctly I've been experiencing this problem well before 2yrs.
I really hope this resolves this REALLY annoying bug.
Anonymous commented
When will this be fixed? It's driving me insane.
Gabe commented
Come on adobe illustrator team, Where you at?!!! We would like this problem fixed now please! This is not looking good for you as a company. Can you at least give us an update as to what the problem may be? Or give us a link to where an explanation to the problem has been said. Something is better than silence.
Tau Lee Bjørn Rosenberg commented
Same problem
Anonymous commented
I'm having the same issue and it is extremely annoying, I can't rely on Illustrator to work as fast as I want to.
This is an old reported bug, why has Illustrator not fixed it already?! For the amount we pay for the membership, this shouldn't happen. Please resolve.
Anonymous commented
Seriously! The above response says this has been under review since Dec. 2017. FIX IT ALREADY!!!
Abby Miller commented
I too have been experiencing this issue for several years it seems. Now that I have a Wacom Cintiq it's become REALLY frustrating as I'm a daily user of Illustrator for my work. I'm now looking at using another vector program for illustrating... this bug makes me hate illustrating in Illustrator.
Sara McCormick commented
I have been dealing with this issue for AGES. It's driving me nuts! You really need to fix this bug! : \
Anonymous commented
fix it bro im tryna draw milk
Kathryn Jones commented
This bug is getting worse for me, every time I draw again the size changes. As previous people have written, for illustrators this is a key feature. Please resolve.
Gabe commented
Clearly Adobe doesn't care about their customers concerns. As long as they have people subscribing to their suite of applications this will never get fixed because they are still getting what they want and that's MONEY!!
Anon commented
April 25th, 2019 here. I’m still dealing with this issue despite it being identified a YEAR AND A HALF AGO
Anonymous commented
This has got to be the most annoying bug in your software - and clearly everyone is having a problem with it. Please fix it already.
Anonymous commented
I'm currently having the exact same issue and it's a massive pain, has it been fixed yet?
Anonymous commented
Yulia commented
SAME. AI 2019
Jesus Christ!! Seriously?? I am using the blob brush so much for 10-15 years. This is at the core of my workflow for creating drawings, and now I can't use it? After paying so much for CC?
Fix it asap, please!