no resize handles
My Selection tool does not show the resize handles anymore- this is making it nearly impossible to design easily- I have to measure and assign all aspects if it isnt sized right the first go. I have tried everything to fix it and I need it for school

I am closing the ticket due to lack of response.
Please get in touch with us at or any of the other support channels – . Please give a reference to this post so that we can identify you.
Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.
Stephanie Gans commented
+1 for Effigy's statement!
Effigy commented
Anish, looking at the original post date of Sept 2017, do you not think that 1 year and 7 months to recognise and respond is on the ridiculous side? I'm pretty sure that you have had at least one upgrade in that time, most likely more. Yes, it would appear that the issue is resolved, but it was so long ago that I suspect the anyone who had an issue has long forgotten they even posted here. I'm not sure how Adobe can think that this is an acceptable length of time to respond.
Ram commented
Sam issue here. MacOS High Sierra. Going crazy!!
Anonymous commented
I have had the same thing going on for about the past 2 weeks... I have to restart Illustrator a few times before they come back on... Or... If I leave the program running for about 5 minutes without doing anything they magically reappear. Windows 10 64.
Ken P commented
I finally found a SOLUTION (at least on the Mac version).... but with one warning: If you want to retain all your preferences/workspaces, etc, then read this whole comment.
Otherwise, just go to the Creative Cloud application (ir's probably up top in your toolbar already) and find Illustrator under the APPS tab. Next to the OPEN button is a liitle "down" symbol. Click on that and hit UNINSTALL. Imprortant: Select "Yes, remove app preferences" to force a completely clean install in the next step. After Illustrator uninstalls, click on the INSTALL button, and when you're done, you're good to go; all handles are restored!
If you DO want to retain all your current preferences/workspaces, etc, it's important to FIRST go to Edit> My Settings> Export Settings and save that file somewhere on your local disk. Then do the same Creative Cloud app Uninstall sequence as above, INCLUDING removing your app preferences (Don't worry: they are safe as long as you've exported them already. If you select "No, keep app preferences" - whcih I did the first time I tried this - it will NOT restore your handles!). Then, when you hit INSTALL, you'll end up with a nice clean installation of Illustrator with the factory defults. Now, when you initially launch your new copy of Illustrtor, go to Edit> My Settings> Import Settings, and select the pref file you previously saved. Your handles AND all of your settings are back the way you left them.
This worked for ME, but of course, YMMV! Hope this helps some of you!
Anonymous commented
This same thing is happen to me as well! It basically makes the program useless or very difficult to use. Is there a fix or reset for this? Please help!
Ken P commented
I'm having the same issue on CC 22.0.1 Mac... it's driving me crazy to have this now disabled. Is there some secret pref that's been reset?
DC Jon commented
I'm having some issues with handles not showing up, but it seems random and they reappear if I zoom in or out. Pretty annoying.