Spacebar not working as quick Pan / Hand tool
Spacebar has stopped working as hand tool as of 2018 update.

Thanks for the information provided to the Illustrator team.
We are able to reproduce this issue at our end and the engineering team is currently isolating this issue further to get to the root cause.
With Best Regards,
Illustrator Team
pawan commented
space bar hand tool not working
Claire commented
I've rebooted and it works fine again now...
Doc Fret commented
Come on Adobe fix this **** issue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We pay good money to use an application that should work. This is really messing up my workflow.
Anonymous commented
Whats going on, will this be fixed? This is highly inconvenient.
Karen commented
I too find this very annoying!!!! Please rectify or tell what what I need to do to make this work.
Anonymous commented
How is it possible? One of the most used shortcut doesn't work anymore in AI 2020?
Scuba Steve commented
I was having the same problem where command+spacebar pulled up Siri instead of zooming in.
I changed the commands for Siri (as well as spotlight) in system preferences and its working fine now.
Jord Maittre commented
same same... 10 years of habit gone away
Gil commented
Same here...
Anonymous commented
Hey guys, I found another thread which seems to solve the problem. I noticed it wasn't just in AI, but also in PS. It seems to be a conflict of another program hijacking the spacebar. What I did was restart the computer, and start AI before any other program. This seems to have worked and AI has its spacebar back. Here's the page which helped me:
Jeff D commented
for christ's sake.
Anonymous commented
BRING BACK THE SPACEBAR HOLD for hand function and when released back to previous tool. This made work flow so fast for moving around the art board.
This change is making things much slower on my process having to go back and forth between commands. -
Anonymous commented
This should be a very simple fix and is a very annoying new bug! Am running High Sierra - 10.13.6 and AI 23.0.4
anonymous commented
This problem just started happening to my illustrator as well. MacOS Mojave 10.14.6. Illustrator 2019.
Anonymous commented
I didn't even opt for an update that I'm aware of, and now this is an issue on my Mac as well. This is going to make my job MUCH slower. Please fix this IMMEDIATELY.
KBH commented
$%#$@#%$#@%$# !!!!!!!!!!
Worked fine till like 30min ago, now al of a sudden the spacebar/hand stopped working.... no updates of osx or illustrator... just stopped...
Tried reinstalling: did not solve anything. -
Anonymous commented
Very annoying that it's not working.
(AI 2020, Mac OS 10.15.2) -
Samuel commented
same problem there
:( -
Lance Dunn commented
Looking at the notes here this goes back to 2018 and it is now 2020 and still you have not fixed this. Are the same people that wrote the Boeing software?
diana khalife commented
Please fix The Spacebar button