Non printable layers / Template Layer name no longer show in italics in illustrator CC 2018
Non printable layers / Template layer name no longer show in italics in illustrator CC 2018

We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 22.1.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –
Warm Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience.
@Angi - Please go to menu item About Illustrator and see if you see the version as 22.1.
If not you need to run update again. -
Anonymous commented
Angi, just updated today as well.. both template and nonprinting are showing italic. Something else must be wrong. works here. on all machines..
Angi commented
This was fixed in the beta version of the Illustrator update but now that I have updated to the release from March 12th 2018 the feature is gone AGAIN! Please fix this asap - it's very important for production.
Please visit and get the latest build for version 22.1. The link is working now I checked it a few seconds ago.
Anonymous commented
It still states that the link is no longer valid. We're unable to download the prior patch. Either the link has to be reactivated or a new link needs to be supplied. I also updated to the new 'release' from the cloud and overwrote my patched version. Which is annoying.
This problem was fixed in pre-release version 22.0.2, please do not "update" through Adobe Creative Cloud. We will notify you once we have a public patch available.
Adobe creative cloud application only updates to the latest release build. So when you clicked on update it overwrote your build. Please use this link to download the build for 22.0.2 -
Anonymous commented
This problem was fixed in pre-release version 22.0.2, but I recently "upgraded" through Adobe Creative Cloud to the "latest" version. It gave me 22.0.1, in which this is still not fixed. I tried going to to re-download 22.0.2, but it now says "Sorry! This link is no longer valid. Please contact the Program Admin."
Angi commented
This was fixed in Beta - and then there was an update and it went away again.
In the print business, I find that even the italics is hard to see. Could you go bigger and make the nonprinting layers even more apparent. Maybe the whole layer turns a different shade of gray or the type is changed in a more dramatic way so it is very easy to see at a quick glance which layers are turned on to print and which are not. -
Anonymous commented
It is critical to be able to view layers that have been designated as Non-Printing. They previously were italicized, but that feature is now gone. Please bring it back!
Anonymous commented
Hello there, I just got the Illustrator CC update in which you guys have disabled an important feature in my point of view. On the previous versions, on the Layers window, when we had a layer that would not be printed, its name was marked on italic letters. That way, it was easy to visually identify the layers that would the printed from those which would be not printed.
Now I feel lost. Even if I go to Layer options, disabling the print option, all the layers are described the same way on the Layer window.
Could you please put it back?Thank you,
Anonymous commented
Please fix this ASAP. This will result in very costly mistakes!! Will Adobe pay for this???????
Jim Ratajski commented
Need to get this fixed! Critical to workflow.
Matt commented
How does something that worked get killed by an update? Why are software companies in the habit of releasing more buggy new versions of something that worked? While not addressing the issues that have plagued their application for generations!
Lindsey commented
As many other people have mentioned, we preflight artwork on a daily basis and it is absolutely critical to know whether or not art is on template layers, printing layers and non printing layers, without having to double click on the layer each time. Mistakes due to these errors can cost thousands of dollars. Please fix this ASAP!
Anonymous commented
Next time I will wait for a few months before installing a new version...
HRH commented
Italicised Non Printing Layers are of critical importance in our work place. We would appreciate a fix urgently or an appropriate alternative like a Colour Change or Bolding.
Anonymous commented
This has already proven problematic while preflighting files for print. Not having any idea if things are on a non-printing layer until they don't print or save out is incredibly annoying. We use templates and not having to check every single time will save us a lot of time.
Anonymous commented
This is a 'Must Fix!' issue that effects everyone, Adobe please fix this!
Mark commented
Please fix this, its a great quick visual reference when checking files before sending files to the printers.
Anonymous commented
Dans la version cc 2018, un calque non imprimable n'est plus différencié des autres par son non en italique, c'est très gênant et source d'erreur !
IL serait bien de revenir sur ce petit détail, de grande importance dans les métiers du print. Par avance merci