Unable to export Artboards as SVG
The AI does export to SVG. I have used this constantly in the previous version, but the new version will not save the image in SVG format using the Export for Screens option.

We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 22.1.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – https://illustrator.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/1844590 if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – https://helpx.adobe.com/support.html
Warm Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience.
Anonymous commented
Still doesn't work. The Save As function creates a much bigger file than Export for Screen and nothing really works.
Adrian D commented
Still not working I'm afraid. Sometimes it works, then other times it won't work at all.
Anonymous commented
Still not working in CC 22.1
Anonymous commented
updating 22.1 doesn't resolve the issue for me.
Graham Spiers commented
Actually Save As doesn't work either (I get an SVG but it is not the file I saved). Even AI doesn't load it correctly and it wrote it. All it is a simple shape. Going back to AI 2017 (again).
Graham Spiers commented
Save As works. Export for screens does not. Using latest version same settings as 2017.
mumble mumble commented
This still doesn't work for me after updating to CC 22.1 and resetting preferences.
Anonymous commented
I downloaded the update today and unfortunately it still does not work to export .svg files. It is still indicated to me that it has come to problems with exporting. Also .png can not be exported.
For me, the export function is the most important, should that not be fixed soon, unfortunately I have to change the program. Sorry Adobe but I expect faster updates and fixes for such drastic errors. -
Anonymous commented
I found a work around... go to file... save as... select svg.
done! -
Anonymous commented
Adobe, where is the fix?????
Anonymous commented
Unable to Export simple eps logo into svg format...Why?
Alicia commented
I can go through the motions of exporting an SVG, however the Get Code option is grayed out. Any thoughts?
Anonymous commented
I solved in this way: SAVE WITH NAME - SVG - (pop up alert "try the new app save for screans") - OK on pop flag box - It opens the saver for screens pop up window and compiling it does work, I obtained my artboard1.svg (sorry for my english, I'm from Italy)
Anonymous commented
I just tried that link but it says its no longer available?
Anonymous commented
hey adobe, why isn’t there a fix?
Robert commented
Still not fixed. What's the deal, Adobe?
Alyssa commented
The work around link says it has expired...
Nico Pernice commented
Restarting and reopening AI without clicking on a file fixed it for me, at least atm ...
Adam commented
This problem has returned for me too. Latest version of Illustrator, Windows 10 64-bit. PLEASE give us a fix already.
Helen commented
I'm running the latest CC AI - and I am now having this problem since updating My MAC os. It worked OK before. Now I have to reset AI prefs EVERY time i save an SVG which is becoming rather tedious as I do a lot of these every day. This is the only thing that helped. Not ideal. Please fix!