Unable to export Artboards as SVG
The AI does export to SVG. I have used this constantly in the previous version, but the new version will not save the image in SVG format using the Export for Screens option.

We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 22.1.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – https://illustrator.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/1844590 if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – https://helpx.adobe.com/support.html
Warm Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience.
Anonymous commented
I have tired ALL of these, and nothing is working for me. I downloaded the bug fix and everything. I'm trying to export something for work under SVG, and it's majorly setting us behind because the developer can't work on this design until I can export it as SVG.
Really need help on this.
John commented
Work around!
Open Illustrator first and open the file from within Illustrator. Then it works!
Milja Salonen commented
I have the same problem with exporting to SVG. I can't find the bug fixer - is it still somewhere to download, or is there any other way around the problem?
Anonymous commented
Are you going to fix this or what?
Stephen commented
Dear programmers, you're not doing yourself any favours.Don't add features and improve one thing if its breaks a critical feature.. Whats the point it just creates frustration for users. I'd blame your testers though. Reset preferences .. nice to see things don't change .. its like the good old days.
Anonymous commented
The best sollution is to downgrade the app. Go in creative cloud and right next to Illustrator app dropdown menu and Other versions.
Cheers! -
jerimy commented
Having issues creating an icon font file from illustrator exported SVGs?... Exported assets, from "Asset Export" tool blow up badly when turned into a font. If I put each icon into to it's own file, and save that files as an 1.1 SVG, and make sure to select embed, it seems to work fine, so not sure what's happening differently through the "Asset Export" tool, but this is a real shame... I am basically having to use all old school, time consuming methods for exporting all my SVGs. Hopefully this is helpful to anyone with my same issue ;).
Mark commented
203 icons to go to dev, and what do you know? Broken software from the supposed premier of design software. Still charging premier prices i see....
Loren commented
Thank you! Perfect timing I have a bunch of SVG to export today. Cheers!!
Dennis Dewey commented
I was experiencing this issue yesterday. The only way to get SVGs out of Illustrator was using "Save As"... and it is not practical on a design with so many assets. I tried creating artboards for everything after "Collect for Export" was not working for SVG (It works for raster formats and PDF). It doesn't make sense that this bug would not get fixed automatically after two months. What am I paying $50+/month for?
Version 22.0.1, MacOS 10.12.6 (Sierra) Macbook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013)
Ezra Curry commented
1. Version 22.0.1, Windows 10
2. Find an .ai file on my computer. Double click it, opening illustrator. Try to do File > Export for Screens. Setup SVG, and click export.
3. I expect the SVG to go to the output path specified.
4. No SVG is output.When I open Illustrator from the start menu, then open the file, exporting works as expected. It is only broken when opening illustrator by double clicking a file.
Jesse commented
For a more permanent fix, go into "Export for Screens" and click the gear icon next to "Formats" ... in there, select SVG, change any option (I changed fonts to outline) and click "Save Settings" ... now, it should work as expected! You can even go back in and put the setting back to where it was and it still works (at least it is for me)... must be an issue with importing the previous CC preferences into CC 2018
mark toce commented
We NEED this to work!!! Just another reason I've moved to Sketch.
Bryan Hoffman commented
The only workaround I have found is to use Illustrator CC 2017
DCP commented
Doesn't work. Have to use the reset prefs option. Adobe what a joke you are.
Igor Glushchenko commented
this workaround fixed my issue, but i'm used to just double click the file in windows explorer to open it in illustrator. now every time i want to export .svg i have to save all opened files, close illustrator and open my files as you described. it's very annoying and takes a lot of my work time, because my files could reach 250-300 mb and saving them all one by one is not a quick process
Massimo Cassandro commented
doesn't work for me
Carol commented
I had the same issue. The suggestion, by a few users, to reset or delete Illustrator preferences worked for me. It also seems to have fixed the problem I was having with my vector art looking like it was sliced up at various magnifications. We'll see if this lasts before Adobe fixes it.
BluNet Massimo Cassandro commented
This workaround doesn't work for me
I've tried resetting preferences: the first time it works, but It seems I have to reset them every time I need to export SVG -
WildWilly commented
The workaround does not work. When do you expect this problem to be fixed?