Can't reset the bounding box of a square that's been rotated 45 degrees
I can't reset the bounding box of a square that's been rotated 45 degrees. I feel like I should be able to.

Please accept my sincere apology for the inconvenience. Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.
Thanks & Regards,
Raghuveer Singh
Andrei commented
For me worked Object > Compound Path > Make.
Francis commented
@jeff D : I agree with your suggestion. After searching for the "reset bounding box" command It took me 5 extra minutes to find why it wasn't working.
Jeff D commented
@Ashutost, Maybe the reset bounding box function could automatically convert the shape to a path (with a warning dialog that can be checked to "[never be shown] again").
Ashutosh Gupta (Illustrator Team) commented
Hi Christofer ,
You would need to convert rectangle to path ( Object -> Shape -> Expand Shape ) , to enable Reset Bounding box.You can also assign custom shortcut using Edit -> Keyboard Shortcut. Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon are live shapes and they do not posses Reset Bounding Box functionality.
Thanks and Regards
Ashutosh Gupta