Click and touch release problems Illustrator CC 2018 Mac High Sierra - cause dictation software
Illustrator v 22.0.1, Mac OS High Sierra on Macbook Pro 2016, touch bar, 2.9GHz Intel core i7, 16GB 2133MHz LPDDR3
Clicking, tapping, with trackpad or wireless mouse (Kensington wireless Turbo Mouse trackball): click/tap does not release, so the object is highlighted or selected and stuck to the cursor as you move it around.
In the layers palette, (The new Properties/Layers) clicking/tapping a layer lock to unlock it may unlock it with a delay, or lock/relock it. The same goes for view/hide visibility for layers. The response is difficult to interpret, possibly because of delays. But it not possible to use the application at all, with trackpad or mouse. I do not have another mouse, but will try with one if I can acquire one.
Discussions in the community have noted this behavior with Illustrator CC 2018 and High Sierra, and some suggested turning off GPU in performance preferences. This does not solve the problem.
This kind of issue does not occur in any other application, Adobe or otherwise, in Mac OS High Sierra.

We are not hearing any more comments on this thread. If you still run into this problem due to Dictation software, please reach out to Support.
BAtman commented
For Illustrator! Just go in EDIT - PREFERENCES - SELECTION & ANCHOR DISPLAY - uncheck the box of "Control click to select objects behind"
Anonymous commented
Wow yes deselecting dictation worked for me too!!
We shouldn’t have to though.
Please address it in the next update. -
Anonymous commented
I have EXACTLY the same problem. MacBook Pro 2019. I’ve got 32gb ram. It’s crazy. It suddenly just started happening today!!!.
GOE DIGITAL commented
Was there a fix for this?
Anonymous commented
I have today the same problem that all objects after click are like glued/sticked to the cursor.
Illustrator CC 2020 v24.1.2
macOS 10.14.6I have disable Dictation and issue is gone.
Why isn't there still a patch for this bug? -
John Bavaro commented
Hi I'm having the same problem. It was fixed fine and now it's occurring again. I updated the Mojave and took all the steps that people are suggesting. It's maddening!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Igor Polyakov commented
Thanks! you saved my day! It's worked in my case, I just checked off the "Enable the dictation keyword phrase;" checkbox in the Accessibility - Dictation preference pane.
Anonymous commented
My illustrator is still slowing down, even when dictation is turned off. After one year of discussion between Adobe and Apple the problem hasn't been solved.
Earning money every month doesn't make adobe Illustrator a better program. Shame on you Adobe!! -
yannick guarinos commented
Greg, thanks a lot bro !! since i swiched off this f**** dictation everything's back to normal with AI, i was ready to fire my computer ! congrats...
Greg commented
Wow, we have May 2019, Mojave and Illustrator CC 19 (23.0.3) AND STILL THIS ANNOYING BUG! And you are still "working with Apple to get this issue resolved." Pff Adobe, shame on you! But the good thing is: Disabling dictation solves the problem.
Anonymous commented
what the **** is dictation software??
Runako Marshall commented
That did the trick. I turned off dictation and the issue stopped. I thought that
I was going to have to give up on Ai CC. Thanks so much. -
Anonymous commented
I am running AI CC-2019 (v 23.0.3) on Mojave 10.14.4. AI was unusable, extremely slow, erratic mouse cursor selecting randomly etc.
turning off DICTATION solved it.
Thank you! -
mikeK commented
wow. Was about to put a bullet through Illustrator. I have never had so many issues with Illustrator and a new computer. Turned off dictation - a feature I also use a lot and it finally worked again. Super slow and crazy glitchy. Glad some-one posted a fix. Would be great to have this working or at least a setting pithing Illustrator to fix issue.
Rombout Versluijs commented
ALso 2017 cc is stuttering like crazy with wacom tablet. Its getting so annoying all these issue illustrator has them im thinking of switch. The last revision was also like this, yet they keep introducing new stuff but cant fix bugs.!!!!
Whatsup with that.
Alfredo commented
it worked! thnks Ashutosh
Nelson Eulalio commented
I have the same annoying issue, and it has started only after the last Illustrator upgrade. (23.0.1)
I have an iMac 2017 running High Sierra 10.13.6, the dictation is off and I still have this lagging second when I click an object, selected shift and click on another object. It takes 1 to 2 seconds to have the other one selected.
Also, the lag happens when using Command Z, to undo a very simple action like moving a text to the side.
My dictation has always been off and does not resolve the problem. -
Pat Slice commented
I called on my buddy Siri and said: "turn off dictation". Siri turned it off and now the selection tool is not sticking. I don't use dictation anyhow. Illustrator CC 2019 23.0.1, MacOS Mojave 10.14.1
Pat Slice commented
Using Mojave and Illustrator 2019. The selector tool is sticky. It won't release an image that has been selected.
Alison Waidell commented
Tried turning dictation off...but it was already off. Constant lag with Illustrator CC 2019. Reinstalled 2018.
macOS High Sierra Version 10.13.6