Export for Screens: bad antialiasing and jagged edges on images within (especially rotated) when exported to JPG
Images from artboards containing embedded raster files output using Export for Screens are of decidedly lower quality than those output from Save for Web. Please see the attached image for a side-by-side comparison. Save for Web is on the left, Export for Screens on the right. Top images are actual size, bottom enlarged for emphasis. Notice the jaggies in the raster images.
Mac OS 10.13.5, Illustrator 22.1
Export for screens - AA setting is NOT honored.jpg 740 KB -
Save for web legacy - AA art opt'd setting IS honored.jpg 646 KB -
Export for screens setting that is being ignored by Illustrator.png 43 KB -
the embedded and rotated hi-res raster images, seen within Adobe Illustrator.jpg 619 KB -
Screen Shot 2023-03-28 at 09.00.15.png 232 KB -
ImageComparison.jpg 2320 KB -
TestLayout_Overall_01.jpg 605 KB -
lowQualityExportScreens02.jpg 593 KB -
Illustrator bug 3.png 1637 KB -
ImageComparison.jpg 2320 KB

Isabelle commented
I just tried 'Export for screen' and changed the setting from 1x to 96 ppi—as indicated by the Admin in the resolved comment—and the image still comes out choppy and not on par with 'Save for web'. Anyone else experiencing that? I'm curious why this issue has been marked as resolved when it doesn't seem to be.
Carlos Morales Quirós commented
still happening... the angled images look terrible with export for screens. If use Save for Web they look perfect. This happens no matter the AA optimization, resolution, angle, or format of the linked images. If they are rotated, export for screens will distort them.
sjacobs@hawthorneadvertising.com commented
Thanks. Email sent.
There are two options then:
1. You can replicate this problem with a different document, using the different art. If it makes the same result — please share.
2. You can share these sensitive files with the team directly, by sending them over to sharewithai@adobe.com — in this case share the link to this report for them to track it (http://illustrator.uservoice.com/forums/601447/suggestions/46840543)
The thing most of times the export result is worse because of a certain combination of factors. It does not always behave like this 100% of times, that’s why test files (and the settings!) are important to have and know. -
sjacobs@hawthorneadvertising.com commented
I'm not sure I can post the files, as it's client work that is still in the process of going live.
But the exports from "export from screens" have very apparent pixelated edges (especially on placed images (PSDs, PNGs, etc.) within the illustrator artboards.
When exporting each file individually using "export as" or "save for web," and selecting "art optimized" the output (JPGs and PNGs) is rendered much smoother.
Export for Screens uses a different, much faster algorithm — but it has it costs. It does not mean it can’t be made better, but it has to be investigated with some data at hands. Can you please provide A) the original test file, B) the results Save for Web makes and you are happy with, C) the images Export for Screen makes?
sjacobs@hawthorneadvertising.com commented
Using Export for Screens (art optimized) does not produce a good quality result (.jpg).
Using "Export as" and/or "Save for Web" using the same parameters WILL produce a quality .jpg with proper anti-aliasing.
The problem is that we need "Export for Screens" to work properly, so we can export multiple dartboards with proper naming simultaneously.
sjacobs@hawthorneadvertising.com commented
Dan Elleson commented
Adobe, how is this still not fixed in 27.4 ??
The "art optimized" is not working for JPEG exports. PNG export works as expected. The setting for my "JPEG 100", "JPEG 80" etc has been set to "Art Optimized" but it makes no difference. The JPEG exports are no good. They come out as "Type Optimized", as if they were made in Deluxe Paint in 1990.
See attached examples.
Carl commented
L'exportation en format JPEG altère la photo si elle est modifiée (tournée ici) dans Illustrator. Ne se produit pas si j'exporte en PNG.
Someone75 commented
And compare the different file sizes when "exporting as" (very small) and with "Export for Screens" (a nightmare, much too large)
Peter commented
Hey all - this bug has been reopened as "Poor quality images from Export for Screens" (there's likely a few of them floating around) up vote them if this issue affects you.
We are trying again to get some attention to this problem as it's trivial to reproduce and affects ad developer workflows in particular.
Adobe engineers: I (and others) are willing to demonstrate this issue for you. We're open to dialogue to help get this fixed.
Tejas commented
Changing the DPI to 96 also increases the dimensions of the exported image, which is not always desired. Dimensions of exported image should be same as 1x with better quality. save for web always creates image in exact desired size. Perhaps it behind the scenes resizes that 96 dpi image to 72 to achieve the exact dimensions as entered by user.
Peter commented
I thought I'd post an update as I've had the opportunity to test this on a new machine.
Unfortunately I can confirm that Export for Screens -> JPG still exports as Type Optimized (hinted) even when Art Optimized (Supersampling) is selected.Exporting to PNG however produces the correct results.
Peter commented
Hi, please find the sample file attached.
To reproduce the error use the Export for Screens tool, and select JPG output (in the configuration panel ensure that the output anti-aliasing is set to Art Optimized)
The visual errors are highlighted by the arrows.
Peter, please provide the test file that results this image when exported and exact settings you use to export it.
Peter commented
Images from artboards containing embedded raster files output using Export for Screens are of decidedly lower quality than those output from Save for Web.
This is being reposted as it has been closed erroneously by Adobe admins.
Notes for Admins: This is not a resolution export setting problem. This is also not a rendering intent problem (i.e. changing the anti-aliasing setting does not fix the problem.) -
Peter commented
Images from artboards containing embedded raster files output using Export for Screens are of decidedly lower quality than those output from Save for Web.
This is being reposted as it has been closed erroneously by Adobe admins.
Notes for Admins: This is not a resolution export setting problem. This is also not a rendering intent problem (i.e. changing the anti-aliasing setting does not fix the problem.) -
gk commented
Could not sucessfully post the ZIP here. Mailed it to that shareWithAI email address, along with my computer and illustrator version specs.
gk commented
The two actual images to compare