Illustrator not recognizing Arial font after setting up new computer
HI All, Sorry if this is posted in the wrong spot, but this is my first post. I recently set up a new work computer (MacBook pro, High Sierra 10.13.6 ) to replace my older computer. I have typically made PDF's in illustrator using Arial font, but now when I open these older PDF's the text id highlighted as when the font is not recognized . as well if I import Arial text from excel it pastes it as symbols.
When I look for Arial in my type pull down it is not available and when I look in the Typekit too, it does not seem to be available, though Arial Narrow is now.
Is there away to get this font other than through the typekit? or a quick way to get Arial back into my font library?

It is possible there is a font conflict and you have multiple version of Ariel on your machine. e.g. a TTF and another OTF
Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.