AI 23.0 crashes when drag-copying simple objects when yo have HotDoor's CADtools installed
Since I installed version 23.0 it frequently and repeatably crashes when drag-copying even the simplest objects. In the latest example it was a line segment -- two connected vertices. After recovering, I rebuilt the objects and tried again -- same result. This is such a basic operation that I do it without thinking -- having it cause an instant crash is very debilitating to my workflow.
MacOS 10.12.6
iMac Retina 5K 27in Late 2015
4GHz Core i7

This bug has been fixed with AI version 23.0.2 & fix has been verified from Brendon (Hotdoor).
Please update AI to latest version 23.0.4 (MAC) & 23.0.3 (WIN).
Please do let us know if it is still reproducible at email id:
For the crash during image crop you need to start a new thread as it is different from the crash described in this thread.
Thanks & Regards,
Raghuveer Singh
Illustrator Team
Anonymous commented
23.0.3 simple photo drag, then crop, then crash, happened twice now
Garry Glaub commented
First step would be to make sure you are on the latest version of Adobe Illustrator CC 2019, not the first one. Though people report that it has to do with Hot Door CADtools, the Mac Crash Logs don't mention anything about CADtools at the time of the crash. The Windows crash logs do not give us the specific information. But deleting Illustrator prefs, and not touching the CADtools prefs, clears the issue. Some people have said this only works once, and then comes back again. But many people I have dealt with say that deleting prefs fixes it for good. Maybe this also has to do with the most recent version of CC 2019, which many have reported to me fixes this issue. First step, update CC 2019. Then delete Illustrator prefs. And for those with CADtools installed, if you still have issues, contact me directly at The user's comment about closing the New Feature" pop-up is a good step, as well.
Jetty commented
I am using Illustrator CC 23.0.1
Window 10
i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz
32 GB RAMSame problem here.
Stian Stromseth commented
Illustrator CC 23.0.1
Hot Door CADtools 11.2.2Removed CADtools.aip from Plug-ins folder. Started Illustrator. Option-dragged several different objects. Did not crash.
Quit Illustrator, reinserted CADtools.aip in Plug-ins folder. Started Illustrator. Option-dragged several different objects. Does not crash anymore.
Strange ... -
Billy commented
Same issue. Just upgraded to 23.0.1 on MacOS 10.12.6 and anytime I drag-copy anything the whole thing crashes. So I have to try to remember to stop using this or waste yet more time reverting to 2018.
Anonymous commented
The process indicated by Garry Glaub works, but one time only... Crashes continues when dragging and copying an object. The Hot Door Cad Tools 11.2.1 can't be downloaded. The latest version can not be installed. Despite the restart of Illustrator I am informed that version 11.2.1 is still downloadable.
iMac 21,5 end 2013, i7 Mojave 10.14.1 -
Garry Glaub commented
After installing Illustrator 23.0.1, I crashed when using option drag to copy and also shift-option drag. Brendon, the CADtools developer and the programming team, tested this before release and this did not happen on their end, but I was able to recreate it. However, after deleting ALL the prefs, it works correctly on 23.0.1. If you have CADtools installed, on Windows, close Illustrator and This also will delete any saved Workspaces, so I am starting with instructions on saving those if you use them.
Workspaces are located here:
C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator 23 Settings\en_US\Workspaces
Move Workspaces to the Desktop and after deleting all the preferences below, move Workspaces back to its original location.
Now, let's try deleting your preferences. First, let's do the Adobe Illustrator Preferences. Go to:
C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator 23 Settings.
and delete that Adobe Illustrator 23 Settings folder.
Now, let's do the Hot Door preferences. Go to:
C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Local\Hot Door\CADtools 11\Preferences
and delete that Preferences folder.
If you previously had CADtools 10 installed on this computer, let's delete that one, too.
Go to:
C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Local\Hot Door\CADtools 10\Preferences
and delete that Preferences folder.
Finally, go to:
C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator\23.x.x
and delete that numbered file. If you see any other numbered files here beginning with 23, delete them, too.
For Mac users, here are the instructions:This will also delete any saved workspaces, so if you use those, you may want to save them first.
Click on the Finder.
Shift Command G
Where it says, Go to Folder, type:
Click "Go."
Continue in the Finder window to
Preferences > Adobe Illustrator 23 Settings > en_US > Workspaces
and drag to the Desktop that Workspaces folder.
(Don't forget to replace this in its original location after deleting prefs).Now, let's delete the Preferences.
Click on your Finder and type
Shift Command G
Where it says, Go to Folder, type:
Click "Go."
Continue in the Finder window to
Preferences > Adobe Illustrator 23 Settings
and drag to the Trash that Adobe Illustrator 23 Settings folder.Now, let's delete another.
Click on your Finder and type
Shift Command G
Where it says, Go to Folder, type:
Click "Go."
Continue to
Preferences > Adobe > Adobe Illustrator > 23.x.x
This is for CC2019. Drag that 23.x.x folder to the Trash. (You may have two beginning
with 23. Delete both).Now, let's get the Hot Door prefs, too.
Click on your Finder and type
Shift Command G
Where it says, Go to Folder, type:
Click on "Go."
Continue to
Preferences > Hot Door > CADtools 11 > Preferences
and drag that Preferences file to the Trash.If anyone continues to have issues, please email directly at so I can address this more quickly!
Max Heim commented
I can confirm that the deleting preferences trick did NOT work, however.
Max Heim commented
I reverted to the previous version of Illustrator. I had work to do and can't help debug beta software.
Brendon Cheves commented
This is Brendon Cheves, the lead developer at Hot Door. We have tested the option-dragging issue pretty extensively here and don't experience any crashes. I am not, however, placing the blame on Adobe. It very well could be us. I did notice a slowdown on Windows when the new feature popup came up, but not a crash.
Also, I notice this thread is two weeks old. I apologize that I wasn't aware of this thread until today when a customer pointed it out to me. We were only monitoring the regular Adobe forums not the UserVoice forums.
Can anyone here verify if this bug went away with the 23.0.1 update or is it still there?
Derek commented
I am having the same issue. I think 23.0 has crashed more today than CC2018 did throughout its working life!
Anonymous commented
Illustrator CC2019 crashes when I try to alt drag an object.
Also crashes when I check the copy checkbox in Reflect tool and Copy tool.
I use High Sierra. -
Max Heim commented
I am having the same issue.
iMac Retina 5K 27" Late 2015
Sierra 10.12.6
4GHz Core i7
AMD Radeon R9 M395X 4096MBI am also running Hot Door CAD Tools 11.2
Max Heim commented
I have had to restart Illustrator 10 times in the last half hour. This is not acceptable, as I have accomplished almost zero work in this time.
Jamie commented
I disabled CadTools by moving the plug-in out of the Illustrator Plug-ins folder, then started Illustrator.
I created a rectangle and duplicated it with an Option+Drag. This time it copied and the application didn't crash, however one of those *stupid* "New Feature" windows popped up after I duplicated my object.
That made me think that little pop-up window was conflicting with CadTools somehow. I closed Illustrator, moved CadTools back into the Plug-Ins folder and tested with the plug-in enabled. IT WORKS! No more crashing. Now that that New Feature pop-up had been turned off it seems to be working fine now.
Adobe, please make it an option to disable those "helpful" tips and pop-ups. I find them distracting and annoying. I'll read the "What's New" section on your website to learn about the new features of the software, I don't need extra pop-ups to help me, especially when they interfere with plug-ins.
And HotDoor... didn't you guys test this basic function before releasing a version of your plug-in that was "Ready" for CC 2019??
Jamie commented
EXACT Same issue. It's rendered Illustrator useless. Have to go back to 2018 until a fix is found.
MacPro Late 2013
3.0 GHz 8-Core Intel Exon E5
64GB 1866 MHz DDR3
AMD FirePro D700 6144MBWacom Tablet - Intous Pro
Hot Doors CadTools 11 v11.2.0
Extensis Suitcase Fusion 9 (20.0.0) -
Bruce Heller commented
Option drag, option shift drag an object with selection arrow crashes Illustrator.
Running Mac Pro Late 2013
Mojave 10.14
3.5 GHz 6-core Intel Xeon E5
32GB 1866 MHz DDR3
AMD FirePro D5003072 MBWacom Tablet / but also happens with hard wired mouse
Also running Hot Doors CadTool 11 plug in v11.2.0