Selection tool won't grab lines
Selection tool won't grab and move lines without extreme effort. Simple click and move isn't working in solid and hollow pointers. I have to drag a selection across the line or lasso the line to highlight it but then it still won't let me do a simple click-drag. It's like the line is locked down but nothing is locked. I'm running MacOS Sierra 10.12.6 and Illustrator 23.0. I've tried multiple settings of selection tolerance in preferences and it hasn't made any difference. I can move the selected line with cursor keys but can't move it with selection arrows. This didn't occur yesterday in the older Illustrator. This is obviously having a big impact on productivity today!!

Thanks for reporting this issue, Illustrator team really appreciate this. We are able to reproduce this issue and it is currently under review.
Ankit Goyal
Anonymous commented
Ashutosh: I am back on Illustrator v22 because I could not get work down be in v23 due to selection issue. However, in the two days I was struggling in v23, I repeatedly tried changing that “object selection by path” setting and it made no difference—maybe the setting isn’t working? Also tried changing the tolerances but it didn’t seem to matter. I could only click-select a line path about 10% of the time. Restarting seemed to help but problem would quickly return.
Gordon Sneddon commented
Hi Ashutosh,
It is not selected. I have noticed that it seems to be a problem/glitch with what 'align stroke’ is selected for the path in the Stroke pallet – if align stroke to center is selected then the cursor doesn’t like to select the line if it is then changed to inside it selects no problem.
Best regards,
Gordon -
Ashutosh Gupta (Illustrator Team) commented
Can you pleases check in the Preferences ( Windows: Edit -> Preferences -> Selection & Anchor Display / MAC: Illustrator CC -> Preferences -> Selection & Anchor Display ).
If the Object Selection by Path only is enabled., then disable it and observe if you are able to work smoothly.Thanks and Regards
Ashutosh Gupta
Illustrator Team