Selection tool won't grab lines
Selection tool won't grab and move lines without extreme effort. Simple click and move isn't working in solid and hollow pointers. I have to drag a selection across the line or lasso the line to highlight it but then it still won't let me do a simple click-drag. It's like the line is locked down but nothing is locked. I'm running MacOS Sierra 10.12.6 and Illustrator 23.0. I've tried multiple settings of selection tolerance in preferences and it hasn't made any difference. I can move the selected line with cursor keys but can't move it with selection arrows. This didn't occur yesterday in the older Illustrator. This is obviously having a big impact on productivity today!!

Thanks for reporting this issue, Illustrator team really appreciate this. We are able to reproduce this issue and it is currently under review.
Ankit Goyal
D Cin commented
This is extremely annoying. It has been like this for years now with Illustrator. User of over a decade now. Please make improvements without a voting system. use common sense of what affects designers/etc the most to save them time and help us not worsen hand issues later in life from straining over this for years.
Tobias Arréhn commented
I got this issue as well when I use Illustrator on Windows on a 4K 27" monitor.
It's been driving me crazy trying to do my work.
I found a temporary solution that makes it easier to select paths. I went into the Windows Display settings and turned up the scale and layout setting to 200% and now it's a little bit easier to select things.
This scales up the UI though, so it takes up more of the screen realestate and that's not ideal.
Any updates on when this issue will be fixed?
Ben DiAnna commented
2023 and this is still an issue. It's disappointing that a fundamental function isn't working as well as it could be. Some thoughts:
- Add a new tolerance setting in General Settings so we don't need to be within 1px of the line to grab it. On a 4k or 5k monitor (on Mac) with small scaling this is really difficult.- If the stroke is let's say 5pts, have a setting where you can grab the line anywhere within the stroke weight. When a stroke is heavy, it's hard to tell where the precise center is.
- Smart Guides can help for sure, but I don't always want that on since I work in Snap to Grid a lot.
I feel like Text to Vector and ReType are flashy additions that distract the development team away from improving basic functions that people really care about.
Brianne Croninger commented
I am also having this issue and i see that this is still not resolved
SH commented
2023 and this is still an issue....
Glenn Belfiore commented
It really does seem that the Illustrator team doesn't care about some things that still aren't fixed. Why change the open cursor to be something else?? These things are very frustrating to seasoned dedicated users.
So yes I've been having this selection issue and its VERY frustrating. I did turn on Smart Guides (which I use occasionally) and viola I could easily select a line! Illustrator 2022 2013 iMac 27" 10.15.7 Catalina
khadija haroon commented
I am still facing the same issue!
melissa commented
I have been having similar issues selecting with a mouse on a 5K monitor for the last several versions of Illustrator. I have to zoom way in to precisely select items. Can imagine the difficulties that drastically differing monitor resolution plays into the programming of these applications and look forward to a day when selecting isn't as cumbersome..
Is not fixed in 25.3.1 still.
Turning Smart guides on or off does not influence the bug.(Edited by admin) -
Monica Frigon commented
Someone mentioned that when smart guides were on that's when they had the problem.
I turned ON smart guides and that fixed it! Now when I get close to a line or other vector object, it gets highlighted and I can easily move it even when zoomed out a lot.
Thank you for solving a whole lot of frustration.
Chris commented
Finding it nerve wracking to constantly be clicking and clicking, trying to select lines and areas.
AI since 88 commented
I only noticed this bug when 'Smart Guides' was turned on.
I usually don't use smart guides as AI's snap is so inaccurate I've learned not to assume just because the app is indicating that a snap is made (after trying multiple snap/selection tolerance settings), on closer inspection, so called snapped points are miles off. The only way is to work at maximum zoom.Illustrator 8 was the last version that had accurate snap: over 20 years ago. Probably the one of the basic time saving functions a vector app needs to get right (along with accurate selection tools).
It's like bring out a new car with all new bells and whistles every year, but without fixing a steering problem that keeps taking you in the wrong direction. I just don't understand Adobe's thinking, or lack of it.
Back to the point: Switch off Smart Guides and the selection of lines is then no longer locked.
And don't use NotsoSmart Guides. -
Kristy commented
Still isn't fixed - this is so annoying. We want old illustrator back - new versions suck
Jeff Sanders commented
Almost December 2020... and it is still an issue. So frustrating.
laura commented
I just updated to the latest verstion (25) and this is STILL an issue... I click on a stroked line and unless I click EXACTLY on the tiny tiny center line of the stroke, I can't click it. This is nearly impossible!
Anonymous commented
I'm still having this issue in 24.3
Anonymous commented
This issue is still not resolved. Even zoomed in to the max I am unable to select a path. This is creating a huge problem using this software. Those of us who use paths heavily are completely shut down by this bug. Adjustment to the 20px tolerance makes no difference. Please advise when this might be addressed.
Mireille commented
STILL NOT FIXED - INFURIATING!! I have to lock everything else so I can drag my selection tool over the line.
JG commented
You guys still haven't fixed this issue????!!!
I was having issues too and had to look it up just to see if I'm going crazy over here as I've been using Illustrator for over 20yrs now. SMH, come guys, let's get this corrected!
Allen Mueller commented
Still. Not. Fixed.