illustrator wont open file windows
I have searched the support site and user voice with no results.
When I attempt to drag an *.ai file from the explorer window to Illustrator, or when I double click the file, it does not open. When I double click the file, Illustrator opens or switches to the window, my cursor briefly shows the 'thinking' animation but nothing happens.
- There is no freeze or crash
- Restart of the application did not fix the issue.
- File>>Open is the only way I can open files
- This happens to all files whether created with CC 2019 or earlier versions
Illustrator CC 2019
Windows 10

Please accept my sincere apology for the inconvenience. Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.
Pam Knight commented
I too am having problems - Illustrator won't open ANY files - curser goes round and round and nothing! After half an hour (tried several times) I have to use task manager to quit. After several attempts and an approaching deadline I reinstalled Illustrator with the latest update but that didn't work either - what do I do now??? Oh and I rebooted my computer.
Anonymous commented
Resolved by going back to Illustrator 23.0
ritika patel(Illustrator team) commented
Sorry to hear this. I have tried this steps on my MAC ,but didn't encounter your issue. Can you please share your hardware overview with us. It may help us to reproduce the issue in house.
shylesh commented
Can't open AI file with double-click in windows 10 OS
Gürkan Akçay commented
So if I double click an Illustrator file (.ai, .eps .svg) WHen Illustrator is not running, Illustrator will open the file will load. But once Illustrator is open double clicking files does nothing. I have to go to File>Open and then browse to the image. I really wish you guys would just let me purchase a stable version and stop taking my money every month and throwing monkey wrenches at me constantly.
I'm on a mac machine and obviously I am on the latest "greatest" version of Illustrator ever. AI2019
Christopher Clinton commented
It seems updating my graphics driver fixed the issue.