Performance is extremely slow when using show grids in outline preview
macOS Big Sur 11.4, Illustrator 25.3.1
When switching to outline mode when using show grids, it is almost impossible to keep on working as everything is in slow motion, as if the graphic card is unable to cope. This occurs with a 500 kb file that was trouble free before the last updates.

It turns out the problem is fixed only partially in 26.3.1, only for some users, and the performance remains slow when grid is rendered with lines or dots in Outline mode. This applies to zooming, panning and ghosting of objects being moved.
Please help the team by providing your specs and answers to these questions:
1. Does it work fine with grid as dots in Preivew / Outline mode?
2. Does it differ from grid as lines in these modes?
3. What is slow for you exactly? How severe?
4. Is there a difference if you disable 'Grids In Back' option?
5. What are you lines/subdivisions settings?
And any other related feedback is appreciated. Let's track it down and get this really fixed.
Peter Lenz commented
In Illustrator 2021 v25.x, if you turn on the grid in the view menu in an illustration and then switch to the path view via Command + Y, it takes a long time for the path view to appear, and Illustrator hangs afterwards.
I have been tinkering for a long time to make this connection.
The bug appears in versions 25.3, 25.3.1 and 25.4.0. I cannot say if earlier versions of 25.x are affected.
The bug does not appear in Illustrator 2020 v.24.3.0.
Some connection with GPU rendering and graphics card does not seem to be ruled out.
If I turn off GPU performance in Illustrator version 25.4.0, then switch to path view on an illustration with the grid on, the switch takes longer than usual, but Illustrator doesn't hang, and I can also switch back to preview view.
iMac Retina 27“, 2017 / 4,2 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 / 32 GB RAM
Graphics card Radeon Pro 580, 8 GB VRAM / macOS 10.15.7 CatalinaMany greetings Peter
Kit Grose commented
This issue is not specific to Big Sur (it also affects the same version of Illustrator running on Mojave).
It's not specific to even moderately complex documents. As a test I created an empty 16px square document, opened Outline preview then attempted to scroll around the document (with both the hand tool and the scroll wheel). My CPU fans spun up pretty much immediately and the rest of the interface becomes entirely unresponsive (e.g. opening menus). I've attached a screen recording for reference.
My machine is a Mac mini (2018) 3.2 GHz Intel Core i7 with 32 GB of RAM.