Name artboard is not added to the file name when exporting (jpg or png, etc.)
When executing the command "File - Export file as" and exporting, for example, to jpg, the name artboard 3 "preview" is not automatically added to the file name. Everything was fine in the previous version (26.3.1) of Illustrator.

This is fixed in 27.1.0 Prerelease build-GM candidate build 2, available in Creative Cloud Desktop Prerelease section.
As part of the fix, we have added suffix checkbox in ExportAs dialog to toggle on/off the functionality.
George Povich commented
...looks like nobody has shown up to work at Adobe to fix this. Do we need to start a GoFund Me?
Henning commented
This is absolutely critical and destroys my workflow completely. This is a dealbreaker for using Illustrator in an efficient way!
Alex commented
This has really messed up my workflow
Nik Belitchenov commented
Please make it possible to append the name of the artboard at export.
stef commented
This change is absolutely painful, ill thought out, and a massive headache. DAILY... HOURLY....
please revert, or make it a checkbox option, or make it only applicable to single artboard files.
'PLEASE!!! -
Bafa UV commented
Very important
Colin Turner commented
As someone who works with exporting a single artboard out of a document with multiple artboards, this functionality needs to return. If people don't want it on their files, make it an optional checkbox to affix artboard names and numbers, but this is ridiculous.
Eva Mae Baucom commented
Agree that this functionality should be returned to Illustrator, please! I work with multiple artboards everyday. The workaround in which folks are able to append artboard names by selecting multiboard artboards does not work for my case because I have to export different file types for each artboard (tif, jpg, png). This means I'm still exporting one artboard at a time.
In the meantime, I'm either filling in the file name manually on each export, or exporting extra boards I don't need that I then have to delete.
Luiza De Carli commented
my god, please correct this. It's living ****.
George Povich commented
I've used Illustrator for a very long time. If this isn't fixed, this program is unusable for my teams. I would recommend to everyone that is crippled with the same issue to give CorelDraw a try. It handles artboards very well, has the ability to assign different page scales, and much more.
Please fix this Adobe! SO painful!
C Ng commented
Export > Export As > checked "Use Artboards" won't write artboard's name to the filename when only has single artboard in the artwork. Multiple artboards is working normally with artboards' names added at the end of filenames.
I need consistent naming method of exporting images. Single or Multiple artboards should export the same like before.
Mas OS Monterey 12.5.1 + M1 Pro + AI 26.5
八十人水 commented
I don't understand why nothing changed with the latest update in the case, it is unacceptable.
Belle Mai commented
I am so mad that I had to log in just to express my disappointment LOL. And I have never done this before. Why are you taking a step back? At least make it an option for us.
Cheri McDowell commented
This definitely needs to be a toggle option. Having name artboards is very important for my workflow and having to individually export them is incredibly inefficient.
While I understand this options may not work for everyone, there needs to be a balance and option for both parties.
Beat Probst commented
Please back change this asap. It's very important for us to always have the identical name of an artboard and its exported png. If you feel to change something, make the feature switchable. Thank you
George commented
Dear Adobe, another perspective of the issue makes me think that, when doing such a change, you should take into account millions of files that already exist and that have been created under the logic that this feature will continue to exist as it was, at least as an option. Thank you.
George Povich commented
this update/bug is catastrophic. I had to update my pdfs twice to my client Hershey's because the wrong jpgs were sent to the binder. I also export my 3d maps from Illustrator for 3d programs that have been getting all scrambled. This is SO painful and damaging.
Duane Huseby commented
I don't think you get the severity of the issue. It's not that it doesn't add the name of the artboard to the filename, it is that it doesn't ask if you want to overwrite a file with the same name.
Why on earth would you add that as a feature. I think it must be a bug, that Illustrator expects the filename to have the artboard name added.
illustrator2022 26.4.1
Windows10pro 64bitIllustrator 2022(バージョン 26.4.1)以降から
●r360studio Kazue Mori様の検証動画 -
George Povich commented
Do not like at all! my workaround is typing in whatever artboard I want to export, plus a second one. Such as typing in, 13-14 so the artboard numbers get assigned. Kind of a pain in the butt. Been having to do this since the last time I updated Illustrator.