パッケージで拡張子が追加される Packaged PSD/TIFF links get their extensions doubled

坂田三則 commented
Ankit Goyalさん
またなにか見つけたら報告させていただきます。 -
BrantleyOrion commented
That's great news, Ankit! Congratulations on fixing the bug in the latest release of Illustrator (version 27.0.1). It's wonderful to hear that you are actively working to address the top User-Voice bugs and aiming to provide frequent updates. I appreciate your commitment to improving the product and the user experience. I will make sure to update to the latest release using the Creative Cloud desktop app. Thank you and the entire Illustrator team for your efforts and responsiveness to user feedback. Keep up the fantastic work!
https://biddingestimate.com/ -
Shelly Sakich commented
I just updated to 27.0.1 and this bug is continuing to be an issue for me. I packaged a file and I'm still getting double extensions on .tif and .psd files.... .tif.tif and .psd.psd
EDIT: Packaged files today and the issue seems to be fixed! Still on 27.0.1 but it seems to be fine now.
Michael Cornelius commented
On the MAC version of the updated Illustrator the Packaging feature keeps adding a double extension to linked files, ie: *.psd.psd
Adam Cullen commented
When I package a file with images in it, Illustrator adds a second file extension to collected images. I.E. psd.psd. Very annoying as some files have a lot of linked images. This bug appeared 2 versions ago and has not yet been rectified.
EP commented
When I package a file with images in it, Illustrator adds a second file extension to collected images. So xyz.tif becomes xyz.tif.tif in collected Links folder. Same happens to .psd files. Working with Illustrator 27.0 on a Mac OS Monterey 12.5.1.
Jason commented
I have noticed that many of the links in my files have double extension added to them recently. It appears to be caused by Illustrator 2023 (v27.0) when packaging files. I tested with a file in both Illustrator 2022 and 2023. 2022 packaged the files correctly, whilst 2023 turned my psd file extensions to .psd.psd
M1 Mac Studio running Monterey 12.6.1. Have not tested on Intel Mac or Windows.
Rei Tsang commented
in the new ver of AI 2023 when I package file, the psd file are added (.psd) behind the filename..e.g: ***.psd.psd why does it like this ah?
please fix this stupid bug!
George commented
I previously downloaded Beta 27.1 instead of Prerelease 27.0.1
Now I did it right but things have gone worse.
Although there no added extensions I see a pixelated preview (not linked images), only 2 "links" instead of 4 I had in my test file and their file names are changed also as they did before.
I tested another file that was working fine before and I realised it not only changes names of the links but the extensions as well. And the it does not recognise them as links
Please fix it because it destroys my work. -
George commented
Nothing has changed for me with beta 27.1 that I just installed.
Still adds extensions… and the worst part is replacing images with others while changing the whole the filename of the links, not just the extension. -
Jenn commented
Starting with v27, the Package command changes the file name of linked files so that they no longer link to the .ai file which is looking for the linked files with the original names. The bug is adding the file name extension to the file name, so for example "link.psd" becomes "link psd.psd". This is a nightmare for those of us who regularly package files for print.
Also with v27, when I open a file and package it without doing anything else to the file, illustrator prompts to save the file before packaging. But nothing was changed. This did not happen prior to v27 and may be part of the issue.
Please fix asap!!!! This is unbearable.
On Mac OS 12.3.1
Rosario Garcia commented
Elimina la sobreimpresión al momento de guardar y abrir el nuevo documento.
nobuko hitomi commented
Sato Akihiro commented
Maxime Archambault-Chapleau commented
Double extension COMPLETELY annoying when Packaging with Illustrator !
Bruce Gonneau commented
When packaging artwork, I end up with multiple file extensions on the linked assets after - eg. linkedasset.tif.tif.
Rosario Garcia commented
Al empaquetar todos las imágenes se generan con un duplicado de extensión ocasionando doble trabajo para el usuario.
福のまるすけ commented
かなり困るので早急に改善をお願いいたします。 -
George commented
Mac OS Big Sur 11.7
Adobe Illustrator 27
Mac mini M1I am facing a complete name change of some linked images after packaging. Also, some of them have been replaced with others.
But for some reason test files cannot be uploaded. Please give another option to send them. -
奥野玉枝 commented