"Apply to All" checkbox or "Replace All" button are missing AGAIN
Apply to All option for missing/replacing links is missing again in version 28.5. Now instead of being able to click that and replace all links I know have to do the relink step up to 30 times every print file.
I have no words, but this solution is missing again form both the latest Beta and the GA. There is no new information on it. As soon as anything gets known — the status will be updated again. I am so sorry.
Mathew commented
Have you tried any workarounds? Perhaps there's a script or extension that can help automate the process.
monokano commented
Options displayed in were not displayed in
dtpuser00 commented
Beta 29.1 46
MacOS 13.6.9No such feature found
Please stop using this method and return to "apply to all" as soon as possible.
Dana commented
Are you testing your own code before asking everyone to download the latest Beta version? All of the comments have been telling you the same thing for months now. You should create a file in Illustrator with 50 instances of the same link, then pretend you want to *replace* all of those (not "missing") links with an entirely different link. Can you replace all of them at once? That's what we need.
Anonymous commented
Just tested 29.1 40 and I opened a document that had several of the same link placed. I selected them. went to relink. and there was no options to replace all.. I had to still select the link multiple times.. as the popup re-appeared. is version 29.1 40 newer or older then
maybe im missing something. -
Ton commented
GONE (IN BETA) 29.1.40
Ron Goodrich commented
It didn't seem to be working as intended when I tried it on friday 9/20. I checked the "all instances" button but it still made me relink them all individually. Honestly, it's kinda hilarious that you guys could ***** this up this badly.
Bağlı dosyaları yüklerken
değiştir seçeneğinin tüm dosyalar için olması zaman kazandırıyor. -
Taryn Cassell commented
The new way to replace doesn't work correctly. Like Egor said it only works correctly when you select the files that need replacing, but even that doesn't work fully.
We keep a file saved with 10 files with a broken link, so when we open the file it opens the dialog box for replacing or ignoring the links. No matter which of the 3 replace options I choose it will still ask me for each individual file how to handle it. This is not efficient.
Anonymous commented
I like the functionality. much better. I think the UI could be spread out horizontally but this looks great to me
As the status says, a new way to handle links en masse is offered for testing.
It looks like the attached images show.My personal opinion is: I like where it’s going, but this looks pretty bloated, it breaks legacy workflows, and I don’t like the current version.
The decision to have names on separate lines I get...
And I understand why it has to be a column, and not three columns...
I just don’t find it anything elegant or easy to read. The name of the original missing link, duplicated twice, alternating like a sandwich, hardly makes it easy to see and grasp the idea between 'Current' and 'All' options.Then... it just doesn’t work it seems.
1. I linked an image and made 10 duplicates of it
2. I renamed the file and got the dialog #1
3. I chose to Replace and picked the renamed file
4. I set 'All instances' — so I expect to have all 10 copies of this image replaced with the renamed file.
But instead I get this 'Could not find the linked file' warning for each selected image. Why?If I select several duplicated linked images on canvas / in Links panel and choose Relink in the Links panel’s menu, and then pick 'All instances' option in Place dialog — it works... but it doesn’t replace only those duplicated I wanted to replace and selected, it replaces them ALL.
Yes, the name of the option says so.
But how can I replace only those I selected?As I see it, Apply to All checkmark should be brought back.
If enabled and Replace is clicked, the 'Current instance' option should just become disabled.
The name of the link should go to the dialog’s header, just like InDesign does it.I believe the options should be like these.
Replace [filename]:
— Current instance only (should be disabled if Apply to All was used)
— Selected instances (should be disabled if none were selected)
— All instances
'Search for Missing Links in This Folder' should be a checkmark, to distinguish it from 'Replace [filename]' choice.
If it gets ticked, all radio buttons above (or to the left of it) should become disabled and blank — since it’s a different thing altogether.
However, if unchecked, Ai should restore the choice made by user and not default it.
That is, if one clicked 'Selected Instances' and then enabled 'Search for...' — then 'Selected...' becomes blank and disabled.
But if 'Search for...' is toggled back — 'Selected...' must become active and picked.
And 'Search for...' should be disabled as well if no links are missing. -
monokano commented
Illustrator 2025 (Beta) (29.1.0 #2)
'Apply to All' checkbox has been removed, but a more proper new feature has been added. I fully support this new feature.
Taryn Cassell commented
Its been over 3 months since this was broken, we desperately need this fixed to save us HOURS of set up time every day. I had high hopes when it was returned in the previous Beta version, but now its gone again. We just need it returned and for it to stay there, there is no reason to remove it
Anonymous commented
"The team confirms this is no longer available in Beta and is going to be revisited in the next one."
this is Hilarious.. is this team work?.. sounds like everyone is working individually and not communicating. Adobe you can do better. I believe in you!
J Kaufman commented
It's a load of bull. They're doing the typical Adobe thing where they don't listen to, or care about, users.
dtpuser00 commented
MacOS 13.6.9
Illustrator 28.7.1NOT FIXED YET.
Dana commented
I just downloaded the newest update for Illustrator and the "Replace All" option is STILL missing. Why? How many customers need to say how this has messed up their work flow before you care to fix it?
I see Adobe has you hard at work implementing the AI (artificial intelligence) features. That's useless to us. Sure it's fun for people with nothing better to do. It's fine for a small company that can't afford to actually pay a graphic artist – but even then the results are a mixed bag at best.
MAYBE you could mention to your bosses that this feature is sorely missed by the professionals that actually use your software. Maybe you could manage to just replace the code you deleted for this useful feature? I downloaded that script you recommended and it doesn't work consitantly – particularly with placing .pdf files rather than .ai files.
Anonymous commented
If I have 10 links that are all the same.. there isnt a way to replace all 10 at the same time with a the same new link. please fix this. this is using 29.0.38 on windows 64
Taryn Cassell commented
And its broken again. As of v 29.0 (Beta)
I updated today and now the "replace all" option is gone again -
Ton commented
But unfortunately not in the current 28.7 shipping version.