Grid snapping don't work on an internal point
It's not really Smart Guides, take a path drawn freely. After activating the grid, if you want to align an internal point of the path to a point grid you can't. The magnetism applies only on a bounding box of the path, not on the point you show.

Fixed in 24.1.1
Michael Y. commented
I can confidently say that the issue mentioned in my post from May 13, 2019, is also resolved in version 24.1 (macOS)! Hurray! A victory for Team Adobe. Thank you.
Jean-Michel Le Goff commented
For your Information, Thanks to the efforts of Adobe's Team the issue is solved in the last version 24.1.1
nicky commented
Illustrator has always had the problem of intercepting and making a "STRONG SNAP" by hooking "PRECISELY" to the GUIDES, GRIDS, POINTS, TRACKS.
Sorry if I think that a vector drawing software must be precise (I don't say how much a CAD but very close)!
Sometimes I find it difficult to hook paths on paths, paths that intercept the curve and adapt "PERFECTLY" to it, (curve without predetermined points).From my experience, in this thing, I remember that the good old FREEHAND MX worked better, much better (I made precise drawings of it !!), there is a plug-in of the astute who does this thing with Ai tracks and lo does very well, the Affinity Designer Competition works better in this SNAP thing and the accuracy proof is also given by a much "MUCH" higher number of ZOOM levels without sacrificing the Processone slowly, Idem when you have effects applied it goes fast and precise, Affinity also takes advantage of 64-bit Multicore processors.
I wonder, I ask you:
But if Illustrator has 30 years of experience, it should be the best in this field, how come "PECCA" on these "BASIC" things ??I don't know, see what you can do ... (I hope I opened your mind)
Jean-Michel Le Goff commented
Many Thanks,
Hope you will be able to fix it.
Best regards
JM -
Michael Y. commented
Ever since the start of 2016 (the release of version 20.0) the direct selection tool lost functionality. I can show you (again) in a remote session if I can download a 2015 version of illustrator. Anchor points on concave sides of a shape can no longer snap to the grid if you wish to move the entire shape. Only the bounding box can snap to the grid when moving an entire shape. This used to be a distinction between the selection tool and the direct selection tool. The last time this worked properly was in 2015 (version 19.2.0). Case # 0188576213.
Jean-Michel Le Goff commented
I'm sorry, but I've upgraded Ai just right now and the issue remains.
It's still impossible to move an illustration over the grid using internal points.
The snapping occurs only at the bounding box of the illustration.I can't get back the behaviour we had on Ai 2015...
I mean in CC2015. I don't have it and I don't want to install. I know how it works NOW and I agree it snaps with bounding box. But you say it WAS OK in CC2015.
Upload image elsewhere and give a link?
Download light ant simple LiceCAP to record GIF? -
Jean-Michel Le Goff commented
on the other hand? how can I post a screenshot here? I don't have any button to attach something...
Jean-Michel Le Goff commented
I don't have any tools to record but just try yourself draw any random shape, and activate the grid snaping and try to move the whole shape selecting any point on the path and try to snap on the grid, and you will see that's impossible, the path move, but snap only regarding the bounding box, not the particular point -
Jean-Michel, can you demonstrate how it works on CC2015?
Use LiceCAP or any other tool to record it. -
Jean-Michel Le Goff commented
Hello, There is still this issue pending and can't understand why.
Using direct Tools, when grid snapping is used, only the bounding box of the object is snapping to the grid.
If you select a particular poin of the illustration it don't snap…It make us crying, and force our people to remains on AI CC15
Jean-Michel Le Goff commented
I'm really sorry, but I check after each release if there is some enhancement about this feature, but it doesn't.
If you have drawn something an d try to snap this art with some particular point to the grid it doesn't.
Only the bounding box is snapping. you can't use any interior point. -
Jean-Michel Le Goff commented
I'm sorry to insist, but what you suggest is not working in the 2018 version, but until through 2015.
Is it possible to review this?
Happy New Year -
Jean-Michel Le Goff commented
Sorry but it's not the behavior we need.
It's not possible to draw with snap to grid "on"
And moving a possible by by direct selection align only that point and not all the shape selected.
What we need is to revert to the behavior of version 2015 and previous.
Best regards
Jean-Michel Le Goff commented
the upper windows is AI 2018, the bottom one is 2015.
in the 2015 view you can move the indicated point to any point grid.
in 2018 you can't avery move align the limit of the path to a grid line, but you can't snap the point. (except if you draw a point at that position, but it is not acceptable as a workaround) -
Jean-Michel Le Goff commented
it's not really Smart Guides, take a path drawn freely. after activating the grid, if you want to align an internal point of the path to a point grid you can't. the magnetisme apply only on the bounding box of the path not on the point you show.
I should be please to share a picture but don't know how in "comment window"
I generate a new Bug report -
Jean-Michel Le Goff commented
When moving a an object from a selected point, it's not possible to snap to a poin grid.
The snap works only with the bounding box of the object.