Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
40 results found
Auto-snapping is unreliable
Snapping function is often unreliable, snapping to unintuitive objects (fx. an object on an offscreen artboard rather than one next to the object being moved)
Further - snapping allignment is unreliable, often claiming to snap to allign with an edge, but when placed being off by a tiny bit, scewing layouts.
2 votes -
Strange behaviour when scaling rectangles
In Illustrator 28.4.1 on Windows 11, if a rectangle is rotated to 45, 135, 225, or 315 degrees, it isn't able to be reliably manually scaled. Some edge and corner handles snap to unpredictable positions when dragged.
1 vote -
Clip groups snap to grid by their clipped contents and not the mask
Snap to Grid option doesn't work properly for Clipping Masks.
Instead of snapping the boundaries of the Clipping Mask to the grid, Illustrator snaps to the grid the bounding box of the masked object hidden under the mask.8 votes -
Windows 11 enhance pointer precision
If Windows 11 mouse setting "enhance pointer precision" is off, then Smart Guides and Snapping will not work in Adobe Illustrator v28.
Turning it back on will "fix" the Smart Guides/Snapping, but it'd be nice if we could turn this off and still have Illustrator do what Illustrator should do.2 votes -
Shift + Reflect (O) tool is too jittery to be usable
The Shift + Reflect (O) command does a very poor job of constraining a reflection. The reflection jitters regularly – sometimes it takes several tries to complete a simple 90 degree reflection. Can the tolerances please be loosened off a bit so that constraining with shift is more useful. I have noticed this behaviour over several versions of illustrator.
2 votes -
Smart Guides not working most of the time
The Smart guides are not working correctly anymore. When trying to move or add an anchor point there are no smart guides to help align it. If I want use the object tool there are no guides while hovering unless a random object in my canvas is selected, then all of a suddeny smart guides work again. Once an object is created then it always has smart guides available when moving but not when trying to create it aka hovering with the object tool.
1 vote -
1 vote
This happens when Snap to Grid is enabled. Even when invisible, it still affects snapping and prevents Smart Guides from assisting to snapping at artboard’s edges.
Smart Guides do not work properly in large documents
I don't know if this is a recent problem with the 2023 version on Illustrator, but when I'm working on very large documents, smart guides simply do not work. I have to zoom really close to be able to snap and align this correctly. I believe that the behavior of such functionally should be scalable and independent of zoom levels.
1 vote -
Artboard Snapping is broken when creating a new artboard
If you're creating a new artboard, you can snap the edges of the artboard to previously created artboards.
However, if you hold SHIFT to constrain proportions (handy if you're making social size assets for example), the snapping no longer works, even though you'll still see the snapping points.
Furthermore, when you constrain proportions, the artboard location will be a decimal point, meaning if you Export For Screens, you'll get extra pixels added to your artboard thanks to a different unrelated illustrator bug.
Video attached.
AI version 27.5
MacOS Ventura 13.2.13 votes -
Snap to point
Why do you have to zoom right in almost to get points to snap to each other properly? Do you understand how disruptive to workflow this is? It seems to be a real issue when not zoomed right in to an image. This is very annoying!
Robert Bell
3 votes -
Dot Grids with Subdivisions are displayed glitchy in Illustrator 2023
Dot Grids with Subdivisions are displayed glitchy in Illustrator 2023
Also, dot grids are displayed a little bit shifted towards objects that are snapped and aligned to this grid
1 voteCan’t reproduce. Please provide more info, about your OS, GPU, and screenshots of the 'shifting towards objects' you refer to.
Why i can't snap anything?
For a few days now Im not longer able to snap anything (objects, texts, guides, grids or else), so I cannot be precise when it is necessary.
1 vote -
moving object manually to align with another object, moves the wrong object
Quite often, when moving an object to snap to another object or anchor point, the moved object jumps back to its original position while the other object or even sometimes an anchor point makes the move instead
1 vote -
Guias Inteligentes están fallando al momento de alinear
Al momento de utilizar las guías inteligentes para alinear o mover objetos milimetricamente no queda en donde marca que está alineado.
1 vote -
Artboard's anchor points not working as expected.
Illustrator 25.4.1, Windows 10 Pro 21H1 build 19043.1110
I am trying to set the size of the artboard to the dimensions of certain elements in the drawing.
For this I would pick an anchor point of an artboard and align it with an anchorpoint of an object, smart guides and every necessary snap option is active.
However, the result is that the artboard is always off.
After trying for some time I found out that it's not the anchor point of the artboard that is aligned with the other anchor point, but the cursor. And the cursor is always a…1 vote -
Smart guides not snapping to artboard or other objects when multiple objects selected.
If you select more than one object and try to snap to the artboard bounds it does not show any snapping. This also happens if you have a lot of objects selected and try to snap to a guide or another group of objects.
6 votes -
Snap to Pixel is sticky in 25.2
It looks like Snap to Pixel is buggy in Illustrator 25.2
It remembers the setting for new documents even when these are based on a profile where it is turned off or on.
It remembers the setting even when Illustrator is closed and opened again.
Which means that if I turn snap to pixel Off and I create a new document based on a Web preset, is stays Off.
If snap to pixel is turned On and I create a new document based on a Print preset is stays On.3 votes -
Straight line extension does not work if the adjacent point has a handle
I have a shape.
Some points of it have handles, some are not.
For example, two points adjacent to the the bottom-most one: the right one has no handles, the left one has one.
This, for some user-unfriendly reasons, matters and dictates Ai to draw an extension or not to.
If I grab bottom point and try to move it along the right segment’s virtual extension, AI draws it for me and I can snap the point to it — 'because the adjacent point has no handles'.
If I move this same point along the basically same straight left segment,…17 votesI am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 27.3.1 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Ankit Goyal
Illustrator Team
Fix inconsistent Smart Guides
Smart Guides say 'intersection' while snapping to a midpoint / origin.
Even when an intersection is near, the origin is favoured by the algoritm.Best would be to configure Smart Guides priorities to the user's needs, or add 'Snap to intersections' in the View menu.
Please repear the wrong descriptions.
4 votes -
Pen tool snapping
The pen tool doesn’t currently snap to grid.
1 vote
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