Spacebar not working as quick Pan / Hand tool
Spacebar has stopped working as hand tool as of 2018 update.

Thanks for the information provided to the Illustrator team.
We are able to reproduce this issue at our end and the engineering team is currently isolating this issue further to get to the root cause.
With Best Regards,
Illustrator Team
MHBrown commented
This appears to me to be an Apple OS problem, not an Adobe problem. The same tool stopped working at the same time in Vectorworks, a CAD program I use. I suspect that every app (and there are quite a few) that use this shortcut will find it broken. It is really a drag for me since I spend most of my time in Adobe apps and Vectorworks. This stuff is expensive, more than it used to be, so all of these companies need to work nights and weekends to fix it. But they won't.
Roxy commented
Spacebar+command doesn't work for the zoom tool either.
Ben Tancredi commented
Additionally CMD + SPACEBAR does not invoke the zoom shortcut anymore.
Anonymous commented
I have the same issue. Will there be an update for a fix?
Annie commented
I quit chrome then restarted photoshop and illustrator (the hand tool stopped working in both applications) and the hand tool is back. Opened chrome again and the hand tool is still working, for now. Maybe this will help someone.
This is a very frustrating bug as this is a MAJOR workflow interruption. It's so ingrained. And these tools are not cheap! The last thing we need is something we're paying 60/month for, messing with our productivity. Clearly this is not an isolated incident, Adobe. Fix it.
Anonymous commented
MAC High Sierra, Illustrator 2020
The spacebar does not function at all as the 'quick' hand tool. Pressing (H) still works, but the basics (spacebar) does not.
Please fix!
Steve commented
Illustrator has become a complete joke. Adobe have lost the plot. Screen often won't redraw so you are working blind - the pixel grid is STILL not aligned properly and the bugs - OH the never ending list of bugs.. They are clearly prioritising features over quality - reliability and precision. Illustrator CS6 was the last good version - every extra release has been a step back.. Well done Adobe
Andrii commented
Sorry for your guys who had no luck fixing it by my solution. I've just shared my experience. Besides, I've faced this issue before (It was about 2 years ago I guess) and that was about Chrome/Adobe as well. So this time I've just tried and got lucky.
As a guess, maybe it is not about Chrome exactly. Maybe it is about some specific web page and technology used on them and may appear while using Safari or Opers as well. Just a guess.
Anonymous commented
it seems to work and then not work with no pattern. i use it a lot so hope you can find the solution!
Daniele commented
This is not working!!!!! Painful
VM commented
I still have it in 2019. And the Chrome browser is note even launched.
Andrii commented
Today all of a sudden I've got this issue. Restarting the Ilustrator did not help, BUT restarting the Chrome browser had magically resolved the problem.
Catalina 10.15.1.
Hope it'll help someone -
Anonymous commented
After the 2020 update the spacebar shortcut sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. Restart didn't improve things. The same thing happens with Photoshop as well.
Silviya Radeva commented
Same here, and I also turn to you guys to get it fixed soon, as it stops all my work. Does not work in both PS and AI
Trygg commented
Make sure autoscroll is enabled in preferences!
Keith commented
The spacebar stops working not just in Ai but Ps and Id as well. This is crippling to productivity :~(
Randy commented
I see Christina mentioned that the "H" key brings up the hand tool BUT - unlike the space bar shortcut - when you remove your hand from the "H" key, the hand is still there. This is causing me major headaches in my workflow. I see this issue was first brought to Adobe's attention in June. Not a very impressive response from Adobe. Especially when people are paying $60. month for CC.
Mike commented
Has there been no update on fixing this? I did the 2020 update yesterday and I'm now having the same problem! Causes a serious problem when trying to create work and move around the artboard!
Tim commented
Same! Please get this fixed, it's essential to lot's of peoples workflow.
Angelica commented
Same for me, worked yesterday but today the quick hand does not recognise the spacebar as a command. Major issue for me since I use it probably 30 times a minute working full-time in illustrator. Tried to change the command back manually but didn't work.
Any solution??