Spacebar not working as quick Pan / Hand tool
Spacebar has stopped working as hand tool as of 2018 update.

Thanks for the information provided to the Illustrator team.
We are able to reproduce this issue at our end and the engineering team is currently isolating this issue further to get to the root cause.
With Best Regards,
Illustrator Team
vijay verma commented
After 2019 update, space bar not working for quick hand
Jose nunez commented
Seriously it so annoying!
Diego commented
Adobe please fix this and give all the creators our spacebar-hand tool back again!!!
LarkSL commented
I am in the Photoshop CC 20.0.0 release and can not get my space bad to work as shortcut to the hand tool. Alienware 17 r4 computer. No webroot on my laptop. Please advise solutions. Thank you.
Anonymous commented
Peggy commented
THANK YOU -- PERSON WHO RECOMMENDED HOLDING DOWN THE SPACE BAR! This worked for me. I had have this problem off and on (1 day out of 30) for the past year (all of 2018), and then after 2 days, or 2 hours, or some other random time period had passed, the grabber/space bar function would work again.
But I just restarted my machine (holding down the space bar until the apple logo appeared) and my space bar is back in business! HOORAY!!!!! (AND THANKS AGAIN! :) -
fart commented
Nate commented
So F-ing annoying!
Nate commented
What the actual **** is wrong with Adobe making such stupid decisions? Jeez, so ******* annoying.
Anonymous commented
JUSTIN commented
Amrol commented
Please can you fix the Spacebar issue, normally it works as the Hand Tool! I tried to add this manually via
Edit > Keyboard shortcuts, but wont allow me to add the spacebar function. -
Mike Slebodnik commented
Found that I had an unfamiliar utility running in the far right of my dock (forget the name, btu it started after I upgraded to Mojave). I quit it and the spacebar came back instantly.
Alejandro commented
What the **** adobe? Bring back the hand tool/spacebar feature please
Anonymous commented
I just upgraded to CC2019 and same thing happend here - spacebar doesn't work! Any ideas apart from webroot, which I don't have?
Anonymous commented
I just upgraded to CC2019 and same thing happend here - spacebar doesn't work! Any ideas apart from webroot, which I don't have?
Lisa Kristel commented
geoparkin , thanks for the advice but that doesn't work for me. Nothing does. I've deleted my preferences, deleted the app and reloaded, restarted the computer, shut it down completely. Nothing.
With more careful observations, it's not exactly the hand tool stuck: I may use the selection tool to click on an object and nothing happens. So I click again, then go to move it an inch and it seems as if I'm clicking and dragging, and the cursor races acroos the screen, selecting everything in its path to the infinite edges of the illustrator (where no man nor woman has gone before), where no workspace or object exists. So, I recenter. Double click something, and suddenly things are flying again.
My new suspicion is that it's operating so so so slowly that even my most patient clicks are not read until they are a cluster that together do something I did not want them to ever do.
Does this make any sense at all? Does illustrator take up more RAM when operating than photo shop or indesign? Maybe I just have a memory problem...
geoparkin commented
I've had this issue occur on a number of occasions, and it's certainly not a problem that's specific to MacBooks or High Sierra, as I experienced it with earlier versions of the OS, and my set up is iMac/Wacom Cintiq. Extremely frustrating, especially when you're in the flow and working to a tight deadline. The only reliable fix I've found is a re-start, after which things usually revert back to normal. Until the next time it happens, of course...
ejmaletz commented
I have this same issue. Really slows be down. What is the fix besides a full restart? Super frustrating.
Kane commented
Shutdown Webroot! This will restore function to the spacebars tool toggle