Spacebar not working as quick Pan / Hand tool
Spacebar has stopped working as hand tool as of 2018 update.

Thanks for the information provided to the Illustrator team.
We are able to reproduce this issue at our end and the engineering team is currently isolating this issue further to get to the root cause.
With Best Regards,
Illustrator Team
Chris commented
Mine fixed itself a few weeks ago. I dont know why or how, it just started working again.
Marc commented
Can confirm this is still happening. How is this still happening? How is there no viable workaround?
Josh commented
I updated my Creative Suite but that did not resolve the issue; however, a few days later, it seemed to be working again on its own. Not sure what changed but glad it's resolved.
Melissa B commented
It's 9/17/19 and both my photoshop and illustrator "hand tool" no longer works with the spacebar shortcut key on the same day- it started a few days ago. Now I have to use "h" and it's driving me crazy. I need the spacebar in Photoshop and Illustrator. Thanks!!
Tasneem commented
My spacebar stopped working as my hand tool, tried everything.
Adam Bies commented
This is why it TOTALLY SUCKS when companies like Adobe decide to get rid of QA and Tech Support and rely on their CUSTOMERS to do the job.
So as your new QA department I TOO will report this garbage bug, which happens ALL THE TIME in Photoshop AND Illustrator on EVERY Mac that I use.
And now that Adobe relies on their own customers to provide tech support on top of QA — I will sit back and watch people complain about the same bug for the next 7 years (judging by the date of the original post in this thread).
The day a company comes out with products that can compete Adobe will either need to step up their game or go under. They used to be a great company when they had actual competition in the marketplace, and have gone downhill FAST after buying all those companies out.
Matthew commented
We created a work around for this in our college art department because it was unusable when using the spacebar for the hand tool. This script was made for an MDM like Jamf to run as a login policy for each individual user.
Download the script and open terminal
type "sh [drag and drop the script for path]"
press return
enter account password
log out and log in.Hand tool should work fine now.
Script: save as .sh
currentuser=$(scutil <<< "show State:/Users/ConsoleUser" | awk '/Name :/ && ! /loginwindow/ { print $3 }')
echo $currentuser# Disable press-and-hold for keys in favor of key repeat
defaults delete NSGlobalDomain ApplePressAndHoldEnabled
sudo su - "$currentuser" -c "defaults write NSGlobalDomain ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool FALSE"# Set keyboard repeat rate
defaults delete NSGlobalDomain KeyRepeat
sudo su - "$currentuser" -c "defaults write NSGlobalDomain KeyRepeat -int 60"# Set a shorter Delay until key repeat
defaults delete -g InitialKeyRepeat
sudo su - "$currentuser" -c "defaults write -g InitialKeyRepeat -float 68"# POSIX loop kill cfprefsd daemon and flush cache.
x=10; while [ $x -gt 0 ]; do sudo killall cfprefsd; x=$(($x-1)); donesudo killAll Finder
exit 0All the script is doing is turning off ApplePressAndHold, changing Key Repeat to the 4th notch from the left and Delay Until Repeat to the 3rd notch from the left and then killing cfprefsd daemon and flushing the cache. You can get there through [System Preferences] [Keyboard] to change these setting through finder.
Ryan commented
And, magically it has started working again for some unexplainable reason. Although I have quit Illustrator several times, I never quit Chrome or restarted my computer. I have quit and reopened other apps.
Chris commented
THIS IS GETTING OLD. Tired of restarting my computer to fix this. Only ways to fix are either wait it out or restart. I'm in this program every day and this happens to me EVERY DAY. Can ADOBE please FIX THIS??? I pay $$$$$ for this premium product that runs like ****.
Bob commented
This is getting RIDICULOUS. I'm working on project files NOW. Hello.....Adobe? Mac?
Anonymous commented
Shutting down Chrome (or other apps using Chromium) seems to fix it for me—seems Chromium likes to hijack the space bar?
nw4 commented
Was this issue corrected or not? I honestly didn't realize how much I realized on this spacebar action.
Chris commented
I don't know what happened, but my spacebar works as it should now. I updated a few days ago to 23.0.6, I haven't noticed if that was the fix or not.
Clara Lucia Acevedo commented
I found out the issue goes away after a while.... so weird - Don't panic! :)
Ryan commented
Just discovered this issue today. I have a lot of work to do in Illustrator. We need this fixed ASAP.
Ilse commented
How is this stiiiiillll not working?! This is honestly driving me crazy! Come on guys please fix this!!!
Chris commented
Adobe is turning into Microsoft. They release an "UPDATE" with new features, and break other things that worked in a previous version. Then the response on their forums boards is non-existent.
Anonymous commented
This is still not working in Illustrator CC. Come on Adobe, we rely on you to keep the functions working that we rely on every day!
Mariska commented
Same here... this is in Indesign, Photoshop and Illustrator.
I also have other issues in Indesign:
* shift+drag (to keep object in straight line) - doesn't work
* shift+alt + drag (to duplicate an object and keep it in straight line) - doesn't work
* cmd+alt+shift + pull corner (to scale something) - doesn't workI can't work like this!!!
I tried all the tips below, but nothing worked... Only thing I didn't try is to change the Indesign cache and preferences folder, because I can't find them... can someone tell me where they are? ;)
Mb commented
Glad I am not the only one. Still an issue.