Unable to export Artboards as SVG
The AI does export to SVG. I have used this constantly in the previous version, but the new version will not save the image in SVG format using the Export for Screens option.

We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 22.1.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – https://illustrator.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/1844590 if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – https://helpx.adobe.com/support.html
Warm Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience.
Rok Rupnik commented
Can you please fix this, i can not belive a vector program crashes when exporting a vector format. Horrible and unusable.
الدليد بوسمير commented
I came here to share with you super soulation and very smart and super ! just download SVG file already had beeb saved before as SVG . now you can work and edit that file and save it again sound of recycle using ! don't forget to make copy of it . you can make empty SVG and evry time just open and edit that saved SVG file . don't forget you can resize the artboard ! now download the empty SVG file !
my name is Ali please say thank you if you like it
Peter Ulf commented
I had the same problem, and it turned out that it was because i had everything in one masterlayer. As soon as I had a layer for each artboard, it worked
Mateusz Nowak commented
Well done, Adobe. I don't know how long this bug exists, but it's loooong... And you're wrong, it's not fixed at all. After the next couple of months and updates, I'm still not able to export assets as SVG files.
Let's say I have 20 assets I want to export. Regardless of the progress bar that shows that export has succeeded, maybe 3 of all assets will export properly. Maybe the next 5 will show up after the next 10 minutes. And the rest of them will now show up at all. It's totally unpredictable! :D
Is it really so hard for you to fix that???
Anonymous commented
Same troubles, sometimes it exports one artboard instead of 7 artboards. Windows 10 also tested on Catalina
Anonymous commented
Updated to 22.1 still doesnt allow export of SVG
Adam Terpening commented
Export for Screens - SVG
Illustrator 24.0.3 - CatalinaSVG file exports but is completely blank upon opening. PLEASE ADVISE.
Mateusz Nowak commented
Still having the same problem on Illustrator CC 2020 MacOS Catalina
João Santos commented
I have the same issue in the 24.0 version. It exports some of the artboards, but not all of them.
Sawsan Istaitea commented
+1 Bot working for me
Ahmad commented
Its April 24 - 2019 and em still facing this problem even after updating today. Don't know how you fixed this anyway.
Eyu commented
This is still a problem as of today. AI Won't export SVG assets at all
supriya commented
how to convert mutliple ai files to svg . only script option avaliable?
any other steps are there? -
Anonymous commented
SVG export was working, but then it just stopped again. Reset prefs. Uninstalled and reinstalled... still not working. NO good!..
valentina commented
The svg export in illustrator does not work yet. You can not work like that !!!
Jason Cooper commented
Not working for me either.
Ta Tong Lee commented
I am currently at CC 22.1 as well and the export to svg is still not working!
Luis Rodrigues commented
Come on!!! How can you still have this bug??? Artboards in Illustrator are a really bad experience, why don't you use the same artboard System that you have for Adobe XD or something similar... even the organization of the panels decreased the user experience... And after all I'm wasting my time trying to export to simple svg icons
Graham Spiers commented
This works for me now. I had to change the SVG settings to two decimal places for my small artboards (note that that did not work a few months ago - after this bug was "completed").
I don't think Adobe pays any attention to "completed" bugs.
Beth commented
I have the latest update installed but I still can't export SVGs.