Can't select or hide layers, AI instantly changes it back
All was fine, until I discovered I can't change layers' visibility or lock them.
Restart won't help. Please see animation attached and document shown.
I remember I had this bug before but it somehow went away.

Hi All,
I am not able to reproduce this issue at my end. Would it be possible for you to share the file with me if it is happening in some file consistently? you can share it on and tag me in the mail
Anonymous commented
I have the same problem with one of my illustrator file. Has the bug been identified and fixed?
Kaioyna Caputo commented
I use adobe illustrator draw on my iPhone for a few years. The past few weeks I can’t hide/see layers. How can I fix this??
Anonymous commented
indeed turning of the touch from my cintiq helped- hopefully this bug is dealt with soon
Paul Jordan commented
Same issue now happening on one of our PC's. Will happily show adobe if they would like to log on our PC. Issue not file specific. Opened new file drew one simple square and the issue persisted.
PC, Win 10, No touch screen or tablet.
Daniel Segginger commented
I had the same issue. Long workaround for me... : Select all / Then... Object/ Hide selected. From there I gradually unhide my Sublayers / Layers till one was "bugged". Cut the Vector in the Bugged Layer and Paste in Place into a new one.
Edward Marks commented
1) Version 24 on Mac OS X 10.14.6
2) I clicked on the eye icon to hide a layer
3) The layer should hide
4) The layer did not hideI figured out a workaround that might inform you as to the bug's cause, which is that if I scroll the Layers panel, I am able to hide the layer. But this is happening to me quite a bit, let's say 25% of the time.
Anonymous commented
Turning off the touch functionality of my Wacom Cintiq seems to have fixed it for me.
Anonymous commented
This just started happening this morning - I'm using the latest version (2019). Can't hide a layer - it turns back on. Can't lock a layer - automatically unlocks. It's doing it for all documents, not just the one I was working on at the time.
Jittapat Jitworapong commented
I have this problem too. And when I was select some object I can not select another layer. It always return to layer of selected object. This 2 problems always happen together for me.
Hello, Anish. No, I have one, window, one view, one monitor.
Stephen Kelly commented
I have a whole group of objects that are always visible even when the 'eye' icon in the layers panel is toggled on and off. ie I can't hide these objects
This still happens
Same bug happened again!
If object is selected, AI doesn't allow to select another layer and instantly switches back to layer where the selected art is located.
It also somehow related with wrong sizes, when AI starts to show same sizes for EVERY object with different ones. -
Not 'somehow', yes. I have to cut everything, check 'Paste remembers layers' and move my art into new document to get rid of it.