Saving a PDF compatible causes slow saving
I have a top end workstation so the spec isn't an issue. When saving an AI file, checking PDF compatible slows the save and subsequent saves significantly. Un-checking it results in normal performance. This was not an issue prior to the latest release.

Hi All,
This issue has been fixed.
Please update to the latest AI version 24.0.0. and let us know if you are facing any issues around this workflow.
Thanks & Regards,
Illustrator Team
Tony commented
Still an ongoing issue and seems to be getting worse; currently on AI version 26.1.
I started noticing the issue a few months ago with slow saves and it seems to be getting worse with the files now crashing out while trying to save and if it doesn't crash it takes almost 5mins to save a file. I finally tried saving a copy without PDF compatible selected and it saved instantly and every continued save saves instantly on that file. And if I turn PDF compatible back on it once again takes forever and the percentage actually will jump around a bit with it going up to 10% then back down to 3%.
Keeping PDF compatible off is not really an option for me as our Document Control needs to be able to view the AI files before they are released and sent to the printers.
Intuos commented
The problem still persists in AI version 25.2. I am unable to save any larger files 77 mb+ with PDF compatibility.
Simon Bowland commented
Saving an Illustrator document with "PDF compatibility" selected causes the file save to be ridiculously slow. It should not take this amount of time to save a document. Was previously "fixed" in 24.0 but has not been fixed at all.
Diane Thomas commented
And here it is halfway through 2020 and he problem still exists. How can I turn it OFF as the DEFAULT, please.
Jan commented
Hi, as I am saving a file with multiple artboards and graphs as pdf compatible, illustrator can't save and at the end freezes.
elight commented
AI version 24.0.X does not fix this. Trying to save a PDF compatible file now and it still hangs. Disappointing
fschneller commented
No way this has been fixed. Any AI file that contains a pixel image saves slowly as hell (macOS 10.14/15, AI 2019/2020). Deselecting "Save PDF-compatible" in the Save dialog "fixes" saving times as a workaraound if you don’t need to place the AI file in a layout.
Dan commented
I am experiencing extremely slow saving on the new version or ai 24.0.0. i have a very poke machine running an imac pro. so it is not hardware based. takes between 10 and 15 minutes to save a file.
Patty McCarthy commented
Hello, I upgraded to 24.01 version and am still having trouble saving pdf compatible. Saving sticks at 96% - ???
Anonymous commented
Hi, I don't have the problem anymore in 23.0.3!
Anonymous commented
Hi Ashutosh,
Please contact me privately via email.
Hi Matt,
Sorry, I should have mentioned we have received files only from a couple of users. We are in the process of collecting files at the moment to groom the backlog. At this point of time we do not have a release that we can commit.
Ashutosh -
Anonymous commented
Hi Ashutosh,
I have been working with Priyanka Singh and uploaded a file some weeks ago.
This issue has been recognised by Adobe and I am advised a fix will be published in the next release.
Martijn Hoppenbrouwer commented
I have disabled the PDF compatibility and that did the trick. It's now over a year later, and I also have posted other bugs that haven't been fixed in 3-4 years now. I had to switch to Figma. Best of luck.
Anonymous commented
Dear Ashutosh,
Please acknowledge this issue. Support are advising to post the problem to this forum.
Many people are experiencing extremely slow save times when checking PDF compatible in the Save As dialogue box. It renders AI useless for up to and beyond 10 minutes in my experience.Regards,
Phil Briggs commented
Go To:
Preferences / File Handling and Clipboard / Number of Recent Files to Display:
Change to 0
save and quit
[Deleted User] commented
*******, unfortunately I am on Windows so this file doesn't exist so I suspect it's a deeper/seperate error than that
Martin Cross commented
Here's something we are looking into, might be worth you guys trying this out.
In your User/Library/Preferences folder, there's a file called "com.adobe.mediabrowser.plist".
It appears to keep a running log of every file (inc. path) that you open in Illy, Photoplop, and also any files that you open via 'Open original' in InDesign docs. It seems to go back a loooong time. It's not very big in size, but it gets added to every time you open and save a file.Get this file, and move it to the desktop. CC will write another file as soon as you open another file, but at least the file is clean.
Anyway, we also found that Illy sped up when the mac was not connected to a network. Now, this may or may not be related. Maybe this file is being added to and uploaded to Adobe mothership for some reason, (arguable breach of security).
Maybe someone from Adobe could comment on what the flip is going on here?
Martin Cross commented
Same issue. I've tried turning off PDF compatibility, but it only sped it up by a second. Its taking about 20 seconds to save a 4Mb file. No point turning that off, because I need my ai files to work in other programs.
Anonymous commented
The network printer set as default printer seems to be the problem indeed! When I changed the deafault printer to a local printer (Adobe PDF) the files in Illustrator saved in regular speed.
@Adobe: please fix this, I think many users have this problem, but won't find out about this solution!