PDF gets saved and viewed as 'This is an Adobe Illustrator file that was saved without PDF content'
As of this morning my PDF files are saving very odd. I have been saving them the same way for YEARS. As of this morning they are saving this (see attached). HELP? This is how I save files for our website to show available homes for a community. Obviuosly this is not showing the flyer sheet it was saved as from. I save as PDF, have a preset created that I select & save. Usually it's my flyer - today it this. From every file I try it from. ?????
If you get a PDF exported that gets viewed as 'This is an Adobe Illustrator file that was saved without PDF content' stamped messages, please send these to sharewithai@adobe.com and tell exactly what method you used to create it (Save Aa, Export As, Asset Export), with what parameters specifically.
Anonymous commented
@joe rozsa
your solution of reinstalling Illustrator 2019 totally worked for me as well.
I had also deleted this version recently and, thinking back, I believe that is when this issue began.
Thank you! -
Anonymous commented
This is happening to me too!
Illustrator 24.0.1
Mac 10.15.2 -
Anonymous commented
Having the same problem over here... every time I want to save a PDF file, all pages are with this text: "This is an Adobe® Illustrator® File that was saved without PDF Content.
To Place or open this file in other applications, it should be re-saved from Adobe Illustrator with the "Create PDF Compatible File" option turned on. This option is in the Illustrator Native Format Options dialog box, which appears when saving an Adobe Illustrator file using the Save As command." -
Emilie commented
Happening here too. Does anybody have a solution?
Lan Nguyen commented
I noticed if I was to save a PDF file in CC2020, a customer using CC2014 is unable to open it. I compared the PDF files to see how it is different.
If a PDF was saved using CC2014 it generates the colors like this:
[ /Separation /ATHLETIC#20GOLD /DeviceCMYK << /C0 [ 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ]
But If a PDF was saved using CC2020 it generates the colors like this:
[/Separation/ATHLETIC#20GOLD/DeviceCMYK<</C0[0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0]Due to this settle difference, can this be the reason why the file is unable to open in CC2014?
Michelle commented
This same thing keeps happening to me as well! I need the PDFs for a magazine spread ASAP!!
Anonymous commented
I had this error, I had to uninstall 2020 and reinstall it to get it to work.
Aman Baitha commented
Let me assist you,I understood that you are unable to save the file in pdf format right ?
That's not the bug your Adobe pdf preset are changed that need to be set to default.
or else I'll recommend you to update your application to the latest version. -
Anonymous commented
I am having the exact same problem and nothing is working to resolve this! Help!
Cheyanne Treadway-Thomas commented
This bug is happening to me too. I've tried different combos of export settings and nothing works. Every single PDF I export, regardless of export settings, says no PDF content.
Illustrator 2020 on Mac OS Mojave. -
Corissa commented
I am getting same error, and noticed it after spending an hour saving pdfs as usual. my pdfs look like the attached.
Anonymous commented
Saving a PDF throws a repeatable error that the AI file was not saved as PDF-Compatible when it 100% was. I have tested it many times. The problem resolves only if: Close Illustrator, go to hidden "Adobe Illustrator Prefs" file and open in Text Editor. Navigate to this part:
/aiFileFormat {
/enableATEReadRecovery 0
/PDFCompatibility 1
/enableATEWriteRecovery 0
/enableContentRecovery 0
/dumpPGFwithoutShortcut 0
}And delete the 1 after "/PDFCompatibility" then type 1 again and save. Reopen Illustrator and the PDF saves fine... ONCE. All old versions of AI Preferences have been deleted from my machine and this still happens every. single. time.
I have to go through this process every single time I need to save a PDF, which is multiple times per day in an agency. This is unacceptable and has slowed down my work considerably.
Attached is the PDF file error that I get with every single PDF, even though I have quadruple checked that my AI Files are saved as PDF-Compatible.
Anonymous commented
It saves the PDF for me, but not the Illustrator file. After saving as a PDF (WITH the “Create PDF Compatible File” option turned on) I realized I no longer had my ai file. Instead I had a page full of this repeating error message:
This is an Adobe® Illustrator® File that was
saved without PDF Content.
To Place or open this le in other
applications, it should be re-saved from
Adobe Illustrator with the "Create PDF
Compatible File" option turned on. This
option is in the Illustrator Native Format
Options dialog box, which appears when
saving an Adobe Illustrator le using the
Save As command. -
Diana Rich commented
Ugh...me too. Need to export a bunch of artboards to pdf for print and getting this message: "Unable to export the following files:"
Zoe Lomoro commented
I just had the same issue happen this morning... so frustrating
EVA COCCO commented
Save your file then close illustrator and open it again. Doing so I was able to save my file in pdf format ( after trying so many times!!!) but this should work....good luck and hopefully they will address this problem asap!??
Guillermo commented
I have the same issue here since I updated to AI 2020
Jen commented
Installed Adobe Illustrator 2020 recently and all was working OK for about a week. Now, suddenly, am no longer able to save files as pdfs. When I try, it gives me an error; the file shows no thumbnail and says it's "missing all pdf content".
Nita commented
I have the exact same problem. Anyone figured it out yet?
Anonymous commented
This seems to be happening to me too.