Non Functional Gradient stop bug in 'Color' panel
When adjusting a colour stop its colour is visible in the 'Color' panel's 'Fill' field. You used to be able to cancel the stop colour by clicking on this 'Fill' field to go back to the gradient fill and to get the 'Stroke' colour back in sight.
This is no longer the case. In spite of Illustrator flashing the tool tip 'Click to cancel' clicking does not work at all. The fill colour is stuck on the 'Colour Stop's colour.
Now you can only see the 'Stroke' field in the 'Gradient' panel and the 'Tools' panel. This is a pain since it forces me to go back to one of those panels. In the screenshot I have both panels open so you can see it. SInce I normally don't have both open next to one another because I need the space this is a pain. I now resort to quickly creating a new colour stop and immediately removing it, this tricks the stroke field to come back. But please fix this.

I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 23.0.6 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Richard Chritz commented
The beta build fixed the gradient bug for me. Nothing else including reinstalling helped.
myrlo commented
v 23.0.3 - "Gradient stop color (click to cancel)" on the color panel does not work!
This brings me very great difficulties in work.
How long does it take to fix this bug? -
yasuda commented
Daniel commented
As of today, April 10, 2019, this Gradient Color Stop issue hasn't been resolved and it's driving me insane. How long does it this really take to get fixed? It's been months since the bug was reported. How in the #@$% do I make it stop so that I can go back to work? I've been doing all sorts of things in the last hour, but nothing works. This is so frustrating!!!
Hi Luis,
Thanks for reporting this bug Illustrator Team really appreciate this.
We are able to reproduce this issue in house and send it to engineering team for further investigation.Regards
Ankit Goyal -
hamko1114 commented
I have the same problem with gradient and color panels in Adobe Illustrator CC 2019(23.0.1).
Once I selected a color stop in gradient panel, I can't deselect it clicking the swatch in color panel. Even if I select another objects or edit another gradient, I can't deselect it too.The only workaround is clicking any midpoint on Gradient Annotator in gradient panel.
私の環境でも同様の問題が発生しています(Illustrator CC2019/23.0.1)。
Luís Camacho commented
Happens on Illustrator 23.0.1
Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a brand new document
2. Create a new rectangle shape
3. Apply a gradient from the Swatches panel to this rectangle
4. Open the Gradient panel, select a Stop Color
5. Go to the Colors panel, you should see the stop color with the gradient thingy below (see the attached image)
6. Hovering it says 'Gradient Stop Color (click to cancel)', but clicking it does nothing
7. Changing this color and creating a new shape applies the gradient, just with that colour changedThanks!
Marek Domke commented
I am experiencing the same problem.
It seems that once selected gradient stops will stay selected forever until you select another stop.
Even selecting another gradient WITHOUT selecting another stop lets the previusly selected stop stay selected?