The bounding box for lines and narrow objects doesn’t have center handles
Missing the center handles for all lines, unable to extend lines properly (without scaling them) unless I switch to direct selection tool, which is a pain.

So it’s obviously not fixed, and we all know it.
While the cursor gets changes into the horizontal/vertical two-headed arrow, the center handles for the bounding box indeed don’t appear, if the width/height of the art (here just an orthogonal line) is small enough.
Please continue to share you thought, screenshots, GIFs. It’s time to re-review this again.
Carl commented
I'm using 24.0.2. There's still no bounding box around a line, made with the line tool.
Kārlis Jakadels commented
When you have small (thin) object selected.. you have bounding box with only corner anchors, and its impossible to change its size (horizontal or vertical) with hand.. look at attached image "smaller object selected" there are illustrator and indesign side by side..
in Indesign its works perfectly - even on small object its possible to change height without changing width..
In illustrator you need to zoom in many times to see those middle anchor boxes.
PLEASE make all those 9 bounding box anchors visible all the time, not depending from object size. -
Someone75 commented
A fix?
Working with a tablett is a kind of skill game. It's far away from a UX you would expect. Horrible what you understand with "fix": Try to find the very position where we placed the missing center handle, now, you cannot see? What's that? A fix? It's a mess. -
Jesper Karlqvist commented
Yes. This! I was just about to post about that too.
Please, add the handles to be always visible when you're zooming in at an edge of an item. I have illustrated it using a nice hand drawn (mouse drawn?) box in the image Handle in zoom.png
Lance commented
@ Edward: I've been experimenting some more, and find that it *does* actually work, but only if i start with the pen tool, and only if it's a vertical line.
I can then rotate that line to any orientation and still get the center-extend cursor, even if i rotate it to exactly horizontal, the cursor will still activate.
It *does not activate at all* on a line segment shape or a *horizontal* line drawn with the pen tool, when the line is originally drawn in the horizontal orientation.
Edward King commented
v23.1. In my case, update rolled out to western continental Europe (E.U.). No problem with line segment tool (but no bounding box, only two end points). Pen tool has a bounding box, but when clicking on a horizontal / vertical line, it has a barely visible middle handle (which you have to exactly hover over to change the standard cursor icon to the line extension icon). Pen tool mode works too, but it is a bit awkward (as I mentioned in an earlier post).
Lance commented
Is anyone able confirm whether their installation is 'correct' and what their actual version number is? 23.1 or 23.1.1 ?
Lance commented
Edward, I can confirm that there is still a bug present. When I draw a line segment with the line segment tool, I immediately get a single handle at either end, not a bounding box.
I can make the bounding box appear by deselecting, re-selecting with the direct selection too (default shortcut A) and then switching to the regular selection tool (default shortcut V).
This causes the bounding box to appear, with three handles at the end, regardless of zoom level, but the middle handle does nothing. There is no cursor prompt to extend the line segment per Avinash's screenshot. The only cursor I get at the ends of the line are the rotation cursor.
If i expand the line segment shape to a path, the bounding box appears immediately with the normal selection tool but the center handle is nowhere to be seen, nor do i get the cursor to extend the line, only rotate and diagonal resize cursors.
brian stokes commented
its fixed for lines in Illustrator 2020, but it still doesn't work if you have a slender rectangle. It also still lacks any precision if/when you want to manipulate the shape. Like if you want to adjust the size and want to grab a corner, good luck...its going to try to rotate instead. Its so f*cking frustrating. These problems used to not exist. Adobe, why won't you pay attention to the needs of your users instead of trying to keep adding bells and whistles. Fix the ******* problems that have been here for years first....and get rid of the problems you've unnecessarily created...then, feel free to add new, useless ****.
Ruben Calderon commented
@Lance @Edward King : Hi I have the same version and keep updating and dont have the option yet to extend objects when the handle is missing. I saw a previous comment that the updates havent been rolled out to every region so I hope we get that update sooner then later. Im in the United States west coast area.
Edward King commented
@Lance : Hi. It should be fixed in v23.1. Did you hover your cursor between the corner handles at either end of the horizontal / vertical line? The middle point - which changes the cursor icon to the line extending icon - can be a little bit tricky to find...
Lance commented
Release 23.1 either does not actually have this fix, or 23.1 is not an identical release for all users. Confirmed version 23.1 after updating this morning, confirmed this no-center-handle bug still exists for line segments at all zoom levels, and for other objects when zoomed out.
Edward King commented
I agree that this issue has been fixed and in that respect I am thankful. However, it is a slightly inferior solution to what was used in previous versions such as CS5.
The middle handle was more visible in CS5 and therefore I now have to spend a bit more time adjusting the position of the cursor to engage the correct (extension) function.
Thank you again, Illustrator Development Team. Please always remember, though : if a function wasn't broken in an earlier version, then there is no need to redesign it ! And at least run usability/beta tests with professional illustrators - they will identify these kinds of issues.
Riccardo commented
Finally fixed! 12 month is too much by the way to use an app I've both a year ago
Anonymous commented
23.1.1 It's fixed! Sort of. Doesn't show handles, but with the "Selection Tool" you get a horizontal scale cursor change when hovering over the end of the line. This is perfect. Thank you Adobe!
Carl commented
I've now upgraded to 23.1 (Windows). I still don't even see a bounding box for lines. So the problem is still there.
And the problem with the missing center handle on the bounding box is still there for all types of objects and not just lines. Unless I zoom in enough. Then they appear.
The same problem has been described in this thread as well (the last post shows an example, that is not a line):
Feek commented
Adobe Care has just confirmed to me, 23.1 is not released in all regions yet
Feek commented
@Riccardo, really strange indeed.
Especially because I use the International version (EN) and not the Dutch version of Ai.
Maybe the rollout is only for special IP-ranges?
Riccardo commented
This is a strange behaviour. Why only some language have this release?
Feek commented
See screenshots