The bounding box for lines and narrow objects doesn’t have center handles
Missing the center handles for all lines, unable to extend lines properly (without scaling them) unless I switch to direct selection tool, which is a pain.

So it’s obviously not fixed, and we all know it.
While the cursor gets changes into the horizontal/vertical two-headed arrow, the center handles for the bounding box indeed don’t appear, if the width/height of the art (here just an orthogonal line) is small enough.
Please continue to share you thought, screenshots, GIFs. It’s time to re-review this again.
brian stokes commented
Ah yes, the workarounds we must employ to achieve the functions that were once so simple. I guess this will be the new normal since Adobe has done nothing but ignore its users. None of the engineers seem to actually use the deteriorating products that they force us to use. Frustrating, problematic garbage...
Raghuveer Singh, do you have anything to add after 8 months? Any progress?
I'll take your silence as an official "F*ck off" from Adobe. Just keep taking our money and ignoring your customer base. Great business model...
Anonymous commented
Really need a fix for this! As a point of clarification, this behavior is with paths, not single line shapes. If you create a shape (with the line tool) you get a single handle at the endpoints of the line with the selection tool. If you create a single line path (with the pen tool) you get the behavior outlined.
In 2018, a single line path had 3 handles on the ends. In 2019 there are 2 with the center extension handle missing.
Another workaround is to select a single line path, go to Select>Same>Appearance and then Object>Shape>Convert to shape. That will convert all single line paths to shapes which will allow you to use the selection tool to extend the line. Albeit not with the 3 handles like before, but with the single handle. As shapes vs paths, the lines still have all the same characteristics, it's just the modify handles differ between paths and shapes.
Also as mentioned elsewhere, you can hit "E" to initiate the free transform tool and get the 3rd handle on paths. It's still switching tools to achieve the same result vs being able to do everything in one tool before.
Riccardo commented
@brian stokes is exactly what i thought
brian stokes commented
Im calling bullsh*t on the whole User Voice platform. Adobe created a system to placate their customers by letting them feel like they have some kind of say/feedback. Then, they do nothing about the problems. Illustrator has become a cluster*ck. The precision and selection tools that used to work so well are now problematic garbage that actually hinder productivity. I'll often try to perform a simple action a dozen times before I get the outcome I need...I'm talking simple things like trying to rotate a shape, round a corner or place objects precisely. This is just the tip of the iceberg, too. I could go on for hours.
Adobe doesn't give a f*ck about you or me. That just want our money. There's no real competition and they literally don't have to do anything. They have become beholden to their shareholders and forsaken their customers. I used to love my Adobe programs. Now, I HATE them. Using Adobe products is a frustrating and aggravating user experience.
I anxiously await your downfall. Thanks for nothing, Adobe...
Riccardo commented
It's past 8 months! What the ****!!! This buggy version still no fixes and is not the only bug I've found.
Szasz-Fabian Jozsef commented
I have Illustrator CC v20.
When clicking objects with the selection tool, normally the transform handles do appear to free transform the object.
Now, when clicking lines the center handles does not appear (only handles at the corners), so it's impossible to horizontally or vertically scale (extend) the line! -
Feek commented
Thats definitely not the case in Ai CC2019.
And note: when the line is slightly not a straight line and/or perfect horizontal / vertical the middle handle will appear.
Anonymous commented
The third handle is there but only at high zoom levels. For me is shows up at 2400% which does not help any since resizing is impossible when zoomed in so closely.
See attached screen captures, 1600% just corner handles, 2400% all 3 handles.
Ruben Calderon commented
So I upgraded from CS6 in order to get my font library to work, and now I have to deal with annoying issues like this? What exactly is the upgrade here?
Feek commented
Ai 23.0.4 and still no fix
Anonymous commented
Really a gigantic problem, lose lots of time and money! -
Riccardo commented
Same problem... What tha heck Adobe!
Anonymous commented
Raghuveer Singh how many more months for review to complete? fix fast
brian stokes commented
Still under review. Ha!
How do we get legitimate issues addressed, Adobe?
Ever thought about employing consultants who actually use your programs?
The b*llshit way you are running things isn't working.
I would welcome someone at Adobe to contact me.
Edward King commented
As described in this forum discussion thread by other illustrators, the lack of a centre handle for resizing lines makes the action of resizing lines time consuming, awkward and tedious. The design of the Pen tool function is no longer user-friendly. What makes the situation worse is that the Pen tool is one of the basic functions that all illustrators have to regularly use. I therefore expect Adobe General Management and their Illustrator Team to take note of what a serious issue this is and expedite the correction of this software design error.
Be aware that this is particularly an issue with single-direction, horizontal or vertical lines created using the Pen tool. This tool worked perfectly well (i.e. with a clear bounding box with centre handles) in Adobe Illustrator CS5. Although this is less of an issue, I would also reccomend that you reintroduce the bounding box for lines created using the Line Segment tool.
takoyaki commented
This is stressing me.
I wasted my precious time because of work that does not get used...PLEASE FIX IT!
Cheryl commented
I can't believe after paying what adds up to almost $900/year in my local currency, I can't even do something like extend the length of a line in my artwork. For the past 1 year. It beggars belief that something like this can't be "fixed" (especially since it's not a NEW feature, just a basic old one that was incomprehensibly removed). Come on, FIX THIS PLEASE.
brian stokes commented
Update, but no fixes that I can tell....
I wonder what perfectly good features you've f'd up now??
Feek commented
OMG, still no fix in 23.0.3
brian stokes commented
It's getting worse, not better.
When you're a monopoly, I guess you don't have to give a **** about your customers. Just force them to take whatever garbage you throw at them.