Illustrator 2020, Snap to point doesn't respond anymore.
Even if it's clearly turned on in the "view" menu.
It's getting pretty upsetting.
Not enough details to proceed further.
Anonymous commented
Snapping is fundamentally broken in Illustrator. I see this behaviour with every second 'snap' action.
Anonymous commented
Snapping is fundamentally broken in Illustrator. I see this behaviour with every second 'snap' action.
Ray Cabarga commented
I've noticed conflicts between snap to grid and snap to point. like they over
ride each other.In general, even when working, the snaps aren't nearly snappy enough
Ray Cabarga commented
This is driving me nuts my projects take 10 times as long as they did with ai 7, 8, 9, 10 due to a thousand little things like this. This is not progress! Illustrator is almost unusable at this point.
i'm finding snap to grid doesn't work either. It's so awful.
Kristian commented
Yes, please!!!
Anonymous commented
They would rather put in new stupid useless tools insread of improving what we all really need...........a dimension tool!
asim commented
seriously cant' believe you cannot fix this
Alex commented
I have same issue. Any solution?
Alison Waidell commented
I have the same issue.
Doug Milllhoff commented
When I drag or scale an object (especially text) by anchor point, and try to "snap" it to another anchor point or guide, it often does not snap to point.
Zooming-in reveals that it is off by a few mm or pts or whatever, and I have to move it again for precise alignment.
Zooming in to check and correct is bad for productivity.
what happened to precision?
Greg commented
Illustrator CC18 wont snap to a box rule... like illustrator 17 does ? what up, please fix ASAP