Font changes from the current one to the previously used while typing
I'm working on a document in which I used Avenir font, but for the most I use Myriad Pro. When I click with the Type tool I see in the character box I'm with the default font (Myriad Pro) and start typing. Then noticed I'm now in Avenir font!
This bug is brand new with the latest update (29.1), I didn't add any issue of that type before.
I'm on Windows 11 PC Core i7-13700 32 Go of RAM
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This issue has been fixed in 29.2 release. Please update your Illustrator to latest version through Creative Cloud Desktop.
Imthad Borham commented
I was writing a sentence all of a sudden the font type change to another font type
Becky Reid commented
It's a relief that turning off "Missing Glyph Protection" fixed this for now but this was driving me crazy and I hope it gets fixed soon.
Matt Veith commented
This is an incredibly resource-wasting problem. Simple text edits on files with lots of text have gone from normally annoying to absolutely hours-wasting.
Andrii commented
While it was being approved another issue have risen about this.
If you use variables, create/import a bunch and then you decide to change a font for a text block involved in datasets - you are scrwd:
- change a block font settings
- switch to another dataset
- switch dataset back (or a third one no matter)
you have the initial font in this text block back.And this is really bad.
Andrii commented
Create a text object (area/not area - does not matter). Chose font you want to use (say Font1, bold) and type. Select object afterwards, and set new font for it (say Font2, regular). Text will change it's appearance (as expected). Then select entire text using type tool and then delete it. In this empty text object type a new text. it will appear with Font1 bold style (Font2, regular expected).
Please see screencast attached.Noticed in the latest version 29.1. Not sure about 29.0.
It may happen and may not. More often it happens. I cant clearly say what exactly triggers this behavior.
Henri Le Forestier commented
Whenever I have a text zone with ANY font, if I input new text, it will ALWAYS output the new text in Arial Bold, regardless of the original text font (whether it's Arial Regular, or some custom font).
This is more than frustrating, it's kind of a blocking issue, since I cannot edit any text without having to manually set again the font for the text zone.
To reproduce:
- Create a text zone, type some text
- Set the text zone to be another font than Arial Bold (you can choose Times New Roman or Futura)
- Edit the text, the new text will be Arial BoldExpected:
New text should be the same properties as the rest of the text zoneIllustrator 29.1 (64-bit) Windows 11
Kelly Schmidt commented
I'm experiencing this as well. I searched for it a few days ago and didn't see this thread but I'm happy to see this is getting some attention. My fonts are changing to other fonts I have been using as soon as I start typing to edit. I am in the midst of some heavy production work where I need to be efficient and this is getting very annoying.
What's happening for me is if I copy and paste text boxes and change it to a new font I'm using, and then edit the text in the text box, it reverts back to the previous font I was using. Or if I create a new text box, edit the text and set the font as I'd like it, as soon as I type anything new into the text box it changes to a different font in my file.
I just saw the temporary fix suggested so I'm trying that now.
F.S. White commented
This problem is getting annoying. It wastes a lot of time editing those missing glyphs. It’s a problem I haven’t seen in several years.
Clint commented
This was happing to me too with latest update. Very annoying when working with lots of type. But the suggestion of checking off the Glyphs pref Type prefs seems to have fixed it.
Tanya Trisna commented
I am using Version 29.1 of Illustrator on a Mac.
I want to replace all of Font A in my document with Font B. I use the Find/Replace Font tool to select Font A and hit Change All after selecting Font B. This works as expected and all my text written in Font A turns into Font B.
However, when I try to type anything new in the existing text boxes, all the new text reverts back to Font A. When I try to create a new text box, the font by default uses Font A even if I change it to Font B or any other font.
Caroline TINSEAU commented
Hello, j'ai ouvert une discussion aujourd'hui à ce propos. J'ai le même souci et suis d'accord avec Michael Karst, ça n'affecte que les fichiers créé avant la version 29.1
Je ne peux pas revenir à une version antérieure (ce que m'a préconisé un employé Adobe) car je travaille à distance et tous mes collègues ont fait leurs mises à jour. Pourtant aucun d'eux n'a ce souci... -
Hazel Cooper commented
When editing existing text in Adobe Illustrator 2025, the font formatting of the text resets to the default font (Myriad Pro) instead of retaining the original formatting of the text box. This issue persists even when the text box is selected using the Selection Tool (V) before editing. This behavior did not occur in previous versions of Illustrator and disrupts the workflow.
Michelle commented
Very annoying glitch isn't it, have we got a solution yet... happens if the text is in a text block or not. Oh and InDesign is on the blink too, workspaces fully playing up.
onenower commented
I don't know what changes have been made to the text in version 29.1, which has caused many text related issues.
Aubrey commented
It doesn't matter what font I set, it defaults to Myriad bold when I adjust anything in the existing text box. I added a photo that I had adjusted just the measurements in an existing text box. I've force quit, reopened and used different documents, and it keeps happening.
Vasilis Spyropoulos commented
Στην έκδοση 29,1 αντιμετωπίζω αυτό το πρόβλημα με τις γραμματοσειρές. Γνωρίζει κάποιος την λύση στο πρόβλημα;
Δουλεύω σε macos 14.6.1 - mac book pro -
Vasilis Spyropoulos commented
Στην έκδοση 29,1 αντιμετωπίζω αυτό το πρόβλημα με τις γραμματοσειρές. Γνωρίζει κάποιος την λύση στο πρόβλημα;
Δουλεύω σε macos 14.6.1 -
Aki commented
1.) MacOS 14.6.1, Adobe Illustrator 2025
2.) Vorhandenes Dokument öffnen und fehlende Schrift durch vorhandenen Font ersetzen. (Entweder über "Fehlende Schriftarten auflösen" oder auch direkt im Werkzeugfenster "Zeichen". Im gesamten Dokument den Texten eine neue Schriftart zugewiesen.
3.) Die Schriftart ist nun überall ein neuer, vorhandener Font. Optisch sieht alles gut aus, wird auch korrekt angezeigt.
4.) Sobald ich nun etwas am bestehenden Text ändere oder neu dazu eingebe, ist diesen Zeichen wieder der alte, fehlenden Font zugewiesen und muss erneut ersetzt werden. -
François LACRAMPE-CUYAUBÈRE commented
Same for me. Brand new bug. A lot of work on generative AI that most Illustrator users don't bother, but everyday and simple tools from 1982 falling apart… It's the Adobe we (dis)like, you know.
A Pierce commented
I am having the exact same issue with Jana Thork Pro changing back to Jana Thork Pro Bold every time I type into a text box that already contained writing in Jana Thork Pro. It's incredibly frustrating. This is happening after having had to update AI and reinstall a bunch of fonts today due to Jana Thork Pro disappearing from all my software despite being 'installed' according to Adobe Cloud. See attached screen recording.