"Apply to all" Option not functioning on Missing linked image error dialog box
Illustrator Version 23.0.1
PC Computer
OS Version: Windows 10 Home 1803
OS Build 17134.523
Processor Type: Intel Core i7-7700 3.60 GHz
RAM: 32.0 GB
When opening an previous Illustrator file with linked image files, an error dialog appears when the linked image files are not located in the previous location. An OPTION BOX of "Apply to All" is on the dialog box next to the "Replace" button. This option box is NOT FUNCTIONING.
To repeat the issue:
Create illustrator file> Link multiple image files into file> Rename location where image files are kept> Go back to illustrator> Receive error message> Click on "Apply to All" option box>Click "replace">browse to folder containing all missing linked image files.
When you do this you will see that Illustrator will display another "error message" stating that another linked image file is missing and wants you to browse to the location of the image file to replace the image file.
"Apply to All" option box does not work.
This option worked in all previous versions of Illustrator.

The original poster chose to split and close this report as Resolved.
If you wish to read the original discussion, previously merged to this request (now closed), use this link:
"Apply to All" checkbox or "Replace All" button are missing in the dialog for missing links
If you wish to discuss and upvote a similar later request (still opened), please use this thread instead:
"Apply to All" checkbox or "Replace All" button are missing AGAIN
Gelato Stickers commented
Bring back apply to all option.
Will Carvalho commented
I immediately downgraded back to 27.8.1 because of this, absolutely ridiculous that such a critical feature missing now.
J Kaufman commented
Yes, experiencing the exact same issue here. This is SERIOUSLY hurting productivity in my office. I have a template set up that I routinely use for the same size of card, but the design changes. Up until this newest release, all I had to do was open the template, it would pop up with the message saying the linked file couldn't be found, I could just select the new design I wanted to run 16-up or 20-up on the page, click "Apply to all" and like magic, Illustrator would automatically fill all of those slots. Now I have to MANUALLY click "replace" and then go through a bunch of clicks, x16, to get my template filled.
@LRSmith, there is a separate request to have the name of a linked file copy-able:
https://illustrator.uservoice.com/forums/333657-illustrator-desktop-feature-requests/suggestions/37335004-be-able-to-copy-link-name-like-indesign-to-find-mi -
LRSmith commented
While we're at it do you think we can copy text in dialog box so we can paste it into the search box instead of manually typing it in. I'm a horrible speller :-/
(BTW "Apply to All check box" does not work)
LRSmith commented
Illustrator REALLY NEEDS this same dialog box Update All as in InDesign. So time consuming to have to update broken links one at a time. Most annoying is Illustrator doesn't even recognize and update duplicate links
giantrobot28 commented
As a DTP artist are often to deal with file that have multiple link in same link object, but what I can do is relink all one by one....Orz. Sometime there will be more than hundred link in a file, relink one by one will be a nightmare. Therefor is great to have some function similar as "Update all link" in inDesign.
When you have a large number of linked files changes, but you have a manual mode with the confirmation, you can’t say 'Update all links' in the dialogue window, and you don’t have it as a button in the Links panel.