"Apply to All" checkbox or "Replace All" button are missing AGAIN
Apply to All option for missing/replacing links is missing again in version 28.5. Now instead of being able to click that and replace all links I know have to do the relink step up to 30 times every print file.

Hello all,
The 'Apply to all' checkbox has been brought back in the Replace missing link dialogue.
'Apply to all' checkbox was removed when we introduced the 'Auto-relink' (search for missing links in this folder) functionality, as we though 'auto-relink' is going to take care of the 'replace all' workflow as well. But it didn't work as expected in few cases as pointed out by some of you.
Hence, with the latest release V29.2 (full roll out happens on Jan 9), we have decided to revert to the earlier experience whereby we are bringing back 'apply to all' checkbox and rolling back the 'auto-relink functionality.
Because of conflicts, both of these functionality cannot co-exist unless we make some significant changes to the relinking experience.
As we understand, 'replace all' was a important workflow for most of you, so we decided to quickly bring it back while working on the overall link panel revamp which is going to take sometime.
Saurav Agrawal
Product Manager
Adobe Illustrator
Taryn Cassell commented
Its been over 3 months since this was broken, we desperately need this fixed to save us HOURS of set up time every day. I had high hopes when it was returned in the previous Beta version, but now its gone again. We just need it returned and for it to stay there, there is no reason to remove it
Anonymous commented
"The team confirms this is no longer available in Beta and is going to be revisited in the next one."
this is Hilarious.. is this team work?.. sounds like everyone is working individually and not communicating. Adobe you can do better. I believe in you!
J Kaufman commented
It's a load of bull. They're doing the typical Adobe thing where they don't listen to, or care about, users.
dtpuser00 commented
MacOS 13.6.9
Illustrator 28.7.1NOT FIXED YET.
Dana commented
I just downloaded the newest update for Illustrator and the "Replace All" option is STILL missing. Why? How many customers need to say how this has messed up their work flow before you care to fix it?
I see Adobe has you hard at work implementing the AI (artificial intelligence) features. That's useless to us. Sure it's fun for people with nothing better to do. It's fine for a small company that can't afford to actually pay a graphic artist – but even then the results are a mixed bag at best.
MAYBE you could mention to your bosses that this feature is sorely missed by the professionals that actually use your software. Maybe you could manage to just replace the code you deleted for this useful feature? I downloaded that script you recommended and it doesn't work consitantly – particularly with placing .pdf files rather than .ai files.
Anonymous commented
If I have 10 links that are all the same.. there isnt a way to replace all 10 at the same time with a the same new link. please fix this. this is using 29.0.38 on windows 64
Taryn Cassell commented
And its broken again. As of v 29.0 (Beta)
I updated today and now the "replace all" option is gone again -
Ton commented
But unfortunately not in the current 28.7 shipping version.
@ar designconcept
28.6 is not 28.8 :)
This is still only in Beta or higher Beta build — not yet in the GA build. -
ar designconcept commented
MacOS Sonoma 14.6.1
Illustrator 28.6Still not appear. i need it urgently!
monokano commented
Illustrator 2024 (Beta) 28.8.0 #43
I have confirmed that the function has been restored. -
Taryn Cassell commented
This is perfect! Exactly what we needed, just the replace all checkbox returned. I tested this with an old file we've been using forever and its working the same way! I believe this has been fixed with this Beta version. Thank you for listening to all of us and making it right!
When can we expect the next full version of Illustrator with this function returned? -
Dana commented
I downloaded the Beta version and nothing was fixed?
Preprensa 3 Contartese commented
Volví y me quedé en Illustrator 28.4 porque allí aún está "apply to all".
No quiero actualizar el programa si no reparan eso. Según este foro aún sigue el problema.
¿Qué esperan?
dtpuser00 commented
MacOS 13.6.7
Illustrator 28.6問題がまだ修正されていません。
冗長なオプションを増やすのではなく「全てに適用」チェックボックスを元に戻してください。The problem has not been fixed yet.
It remains the same as v28.5.
Please restore the "Apply to all" checkbox as soon as possible instead of adding redundant options. -
Scott Tofte commented
I just updated to v28.6 and I don't see this dialog box when replacing files. I agree with many of the comments that say just put back what was there before. It worked very well. What was broken that needed fixing? Is there a Hippocratic Oath for coders? First do no harm...
Dana commented
It's been a couple of weeks since the promised return of our "Replace All" checkbox for links. Can you not just put back the code that was there for years?
monokano commented
Illustrator 2024 (Beta) (28.7.0 #65) - Japanese
The revised experience not found. -
Orhan Tekiş commented
By canceling the Replace All option, you are torturing users who perform mounted operations. When you upgrade the version of the program we paid for, you cancel features that are useful to people. For this reason, we still have to use the old version. Even though we wrote so much, you don't make any corrections. What exactly is your intention? Causing trouble for users? Or serving assembly program vendors? Are you doing this bullying because you are unrivaled? There was FreeHand before, you took it and destroyed it. You have become a monopoly. If you continue like this, we will stop writing to you. As Mac users, you are forcing us to use another program. What you are doing is a great injustice.
I installed version 28.6 today, but again there is no Replace All feature. I will have to delete it and use the old version again. You don't deserve the money you get. -
Victoria commented
The fix is not that usable when replacing multiple files. Please place back the "Apply to All". Also it appears to have more steps involved.
Not having a quick way to "Apply All" adds much more time to my work flows and the team I work with. When replacing files on a page layout with lets say for instance 70 pieces of artwork for printing this is an issue. The fix above without a w replace all is adding more steps and more time. Also it will not be as fast. Adobe, please do not change what does not need fixing unless it would improve workflow. The "Apply to All" is something I, and my team were using every day (multiple times a day) for updating files and replacing images on templates for repeat Customers and new Customers when they have updated artwork. We do not want to add time for our Customers. Also we do not want to explain to our Supervisors and Sales Team why files are taking more time to process. I enjoy working in Adobe programs & would like to continue to work in Adobe programs.