Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
238 results found
3D effect cropping text when raytrace is on
When I apply a 3D effect on a text, the effect crops the borders of the text. This happens when the raytrace render is on.
1 vote -
Bug eyedrop - contagocce
the dropper sometimes does not detect the transparency of a layer.
I have already checked in the dropper settings and the transparency is activated.
after a short interval of time, on the same file, same levels, the dropper no longer detects the transparency but is limited to the appearance
I report a bug to be fixed.1 vote -
effcts, Apperance, Graphic desings
will not do any commands! No drop shadows! Its bugging on all my work!
1 vote -
iMac 27inch(2020/32GB/1TB/Corei5)
1. ver.26.0.1にて新規ドキュメントを作成し、JPG画像を配置する。JPG画像自体は埋め込まずリンク画像としてあつかう。
2. 配置画像に対して「効果→スタイライズ→ドロップシャドウ」のアピアランスを適用する。
3. 2020形式で当該ファイルを保存。
4. Illustrator2021にて当該ファイルを開くとネイティブ部分のデータを読み込めず、ダイアログが表示されPDF部分のデータよりリカバリを行おうとする。実際の結果
当該ファイルを添付いたしますので確認頂けると幸いです。3 votesこちらの問題が修正された Illustrator 2022(ver.26.0.2)が、製品リリースされました。 みなさん、ご協力ありがとうございました。 こちらのトピックは対応完了とさせていただきます。 コメントはオープンにしておきますので、何か問題がありましたらご報告ください。 よろしくお願いいたします。 Illustrator チーム -
Illustrator's Round Outline Bevel with Standard Lighting Causes Weird Shadow
Added a custom "round outline" bevel with "standard" lighting and ended up with a weird shadow effect in the upper-right corner of the 'g' in this logo that I can't seem to get straightened out. It seems to be a bug in the overall process.
1 vote -
macOS Catalina (Ver. 10.15.7)
Illustrator 2021
低解像度のドロップシャドウ部分は表示のみではなく出力した際も低解像度のままとなっており、ドロップシャドウ部分に変更を加えたり、コピペしたりすると正しい表示に戻るようです。62 votes -
Maintain graph styles when updating data (bar graph issue)
Issue with bar graphs:
All styling is removed when data is updated. Can you make it so it at least retains bar width and color?4 votes -
[BUG] .PNGs displaying as though they have a drop shadow
.png files are displaying as though a drop shadow has been added to them - files display correctly in Photoshop. Document I've been working in is CMYK.
Windows 10 Enterprise
Illustrator 25.4.11 vote -
Overprint and darken doesn't work properly when it doesn't exist a background color.
Illustrator 25.4.1 (64 bit) in Windows 10
When we use darken+overprint in objects that are over some background, we don't have a problem. But if we don't have a background it does the similar to a multiply appearance.
Is there a way to fix this problem?
Please see the photos attached.5 votes -
Crash when I add an FX to the object.
Illustrator 26
macOS Monterey1 vote -
Transparency mask bug
Pasting objects from the clipboard inside the Transparency mask mode doesn't work when the "Paste remember layer" feature is turned on inside the Layers panel.
2 votes -
Graphic Styles lost, duplicated and hard to manage in general.
I have painstakingly applied graphic styles to hundreds of icons (the final icon library is for a large CAD application and comprises nearly 2600 icons) but all of a sudden, the styles are not recognised any more. Objects are still graphically the same but when I select an object, the styles panel does not light up where it should.
I have been having trouble getting graphic styles to work properly with styles getting duplicated and the very clunky way of saving and reapplying graphic styles to objects. This issue just makes me think I shouldn't bother. What are Graphic Styles…2 votes -
Align with preview bounds doesn't work with transform effect copies
I created a gear by creating a circle, then a box for one of the pieces. I created a point in the middle of the circle and grouped the box with that point. Then I used the transform effect on that group to create a circular array. Then I grouped that and added a pathfinder-Add effect to make it one piece, but still keep it nice and editable. Then I punched a hole in the middle by adding another circle, grouping it to that, and adding an effect, pathfinder-Subtract.
I then added two lines of text as one object. Those,…3 votes -
3d-Kreisel Darstellung und Renderfehler | 3d rotate render error
3d renderings are perse buggy (see PDF) create invisible geometries (although switched off), render errors on the assembly line.
The preview is miserable. I can't explain this to any customer, nor can I expect them to! In part, AI files were invited to be transparent in places where they shouldn't be.
I have been using Illustator since 1990 and there is no other program that is as buggy and impractical as Illustrator. Fast is different.
Die Vorschau ist miserabel. Das kann ich keinem Kunden erklären, noch zumuten! Zum Teil werden eingeladen AI-Dateien an Stellen transparent, an dem sie es…1 vote -
Mirroring elements takes line thickness or pasted inside elements into account which makes little sense
When mirroring lines via the effect tool at their outmost left or right side (see last screenshot), the effects takes the line thickness into account. I cannot think of any cases where this is of any use. I would expect a behaviour as shown in the second screenshot.
Same thing with elements that are pasted inside. The effect mirrors from the pasted inside object instead of the box into which the object is passted. Why? Is there one single case where this makes sense? I could not hink of any. Again the diesired behaviour is shwon in the second screenshot.
1 vote -
Drop shadow jagged edge on placed images
When applying drop shadows on high quality png or psd images placed into illustrator, the edges end up jagged.
2 votes -
Transparency not working once saved to pdf or opened in photoshop
I have open a file previously worked on, and when I save to pdf the effects created with transparency are not working at all, as if they are not there.
1 vote -
Editing 3d Extrude In Existing File Loses Some Values
MacOS 10.15.7
Adobe Illustrator 25.2.3The shading/lighting and depth options are sometimes saved, but the style is always lost upon accessing the 3D Extrude filter options on an existing file. Problematic for teams that may not be aware of a particular style/value since this effect is finicky to begin with.
1 vote -
macOS10.15.6 Illustrator ver.25.2.3
また、光彩(外側)においても同様の挙動となります。3 votes製品フィードバックへのご協力ありがとうございます。
Illustrator チーム
NOKY error when resizing objects with Legacy Gaussian Blur
OS version: macOS 11.3.1
Illustrator version: 25.2.3
Attempting to resize any object with a Legacy Gaussian Blur effect results in error message: "The Operation cannot be completed because of an unknown error. [NOKY]". Object can't be resized without removing or replacing effect.7 votes
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