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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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46 results found

  1. Auto-snapping is unreliable

    Snapping function is often unreliable, snapping to unintuitive objects (fx. an object on an offscreen artboard rather than one next to the object being moved)

    Further - snapping allignment is unreliable, often claiming to snap to allign with an edge, but when placed being off by a tiny bit, scewing layouts.

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  2. Windows 11 enhance pointer precision

    If Windows 11 mouse setting "enhance pointer precision" is off, then Smart Guides and Snapping will not work in Adobe Illustrator v28.
    Turning it back on will "fix" the Smart Guides/Snapping, but it'd be nice if we could turn this off and still have Illustrator do what Illustrator should do.

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  3. Shift + Reflect (O) tool is too jittery to be usable

    The Shift + Reflect (O) command does a very poor job of constraining a reflection. The reflection jitters regularly – sometimes it takes several tries to complete a simple 90 degree reflection. Can the tolerances please be loosened off a bit so that constraining with shift is more useful. I have noticed this behaviour over several versions of illustrator.

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  4. Snap To Grid not aligns with grid

    AI version 24.2.1

    OS Catalina 10.15.5

    When Snap to Grid is selected, the points that the pen and shape tools snap to are not on the grid. They are slightly off. It is impossible to get points exactly on the grid. I've attached a file that shows where points snap to. These shapes were drawn with Snap to Grid on.

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  5. Smart Guides do not always snap

    This can happen even if I am at the 200% limit. Which taking the limit off would be great also.

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  6. Smart Guides - Center point not usable

    When Smart Guides are enabled, the Center point of an object is shown, when hovered over the edges of the object, but it disappears (and doesn't snap) when trying to hover over the Center point itself.

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  7. Selection tool moves objects in steps when using mouse

    In CC2018 I could move my objects either in steps (arrows), big steps (Shift+arrows) or with precision using the mouse.
    Now in CC2019 if I move something with the mouse it emulates the arrow keys movement, I'm talking about Twitch Badges (72x72 px) so It's a heavy issue for me, when working on big documents like 1080p this problem is barely noticeable

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  8. Align and Transform Not Working

    Not sure if I can articulate it properly, but here we go:

    By example: I'm working with a logo and each time I drag a guide down to flush against the top of the logo, it goes just past it or just above it. It won't let me place the guide directly on top. Another example, when moving items around with arrow keys or trackpad, items won't automatically center or align with whatever I'm trying to align it to. It's like if I have an item on the X axis at 12.23 and want to align item two with it,…

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    As noted in comments the problem is most probably in the enabled Align Art to Pixel Grid option, in the right top corner. The grid is disabled, but the snapping occurs. There are some changes planned to streamline this workflow, because this is very generic problem.

  9. Smart Guides not working on Ai 29.2.1

    Smart Guides are not working. Nothing happens when I try to turn them on I have adjusted the settings in preferences, everything looks right they just don't show up.

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  10. I can no longer move my objects freely

    I can no longer move my objects freely as before, they are forced to be moved as if there were pixels. The methods are similar to InDesign and I can't be as precise as before because I'm forced to put an object in a place I don't want. How can i deactivate that or which settings should I change? I cant find anything.

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  11. Repositioning an existing dimension does not really allow to snap the dimension line’s position

    When we create a new dimension with Smart Guides enabled, it snaps to an existing dimension quite fine: by the line, by the anchor, just by proximity. The precision is strong, the snapping has a distinct ledge.

    If I try to reposition on re-snap an existing dimension to another one though...

    It doesn't work.
    See the GIF attached, please.
    Illustrator highlights the neighboring line, it tries to persuade you it snaps... but there is no ledge felt, no snapping happens, the line does no stop exactly at the position needed. It’s just broken.

    And since we can’t define a default…

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  12. Strange behaviour when scaling rectangles

    In Illustrator 28.4.1 on Windows 11, if a rectangle is rotated to 45, 135, 225, or 315 degrees, it isn't able to be reliably manually scaled. Some edge and corner handles snap to unpredictable positions when dragged.

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  13. Smart Guides not working most of the time

    The Smart guides are not working correctly anymore. When trying to move or add an anchor point there are no smart guides to help align it. If I want use the object tool there are no guides while hovering unless a random object in my canvas is selected, then all of a suddeny smart guides work again. Once an object is created then it always has smart guides available when moving but not when trying to create it aka hovering with the object tool.

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  14. ガイドを必要な場所に合わせられない


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  15. Smart Guides do not work properly in large documents

    I don't know if this is a recent problem with the 2023 version on Illustrator, but when I'm working on very large documents, smart guides simply do not work. I have to zoom really close to be able to snap and align this correctly. I believe that the behavior of such functionally should be scalable and independent of zoom levels.

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  16. 1 vote

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  17. Why i can't snap anything?

    For a few days now Im not longer able to snap anything (objects, texts, guides, grids or else), so I cannot be precise when it is necessary.

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  18. moving object manually to align with another object, moves the wrong object

    Quite often, when moving an object to snap to another object or anchor point, the moved object jumps back to its original position while the other object or even sometimes an anchor point makes the move instead

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  19. Guias Inteligentes están fallando al momento de alinear

    Al momento de utilizar las guías inteligentes para alinear o mover objetos milimetricamente no queda en donde marca que está alineado.

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  20. Artboard's anchor points not working as expected.

    Illustrator 25.4.1, Windows 10 Pro 21H1 build 19043.1110
    I am trying to set the size of the artboard to the dimensions of certain elements in the drawing.
    For this I would pick an anchor point of an artboard and align it with an anchorpoint of an object, smart guides and every necessary snap option is active.
    However, the result is that the artboard is always off.
    After trying for some time I found out that it's not the anchor point of the artboard that is aligned with the other anchor point, but the cursor. And the cursor is always a…

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