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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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  2. The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop) 
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134 results found

  1. Color palette overrides fill colors and color modes in Illustrator 2018

    Hi, I am a design professor and most students in my class experienced a specific problem when we were doing an exercise to learn how to apply the correct color palettes to different logo files. Specifically, we created fictional identity designs as a means to learn how to create a production-ready bundle of files (a logo with versions in b&w, spot color (Pantone), 4-color process, and RGB). Almost 100% of my 18 students had their 4-color process file -- which was filled with CMYK colors upon designing, and should have stayed CMYK -- show up as being filled with RGB…

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  2. Alt-Drag to Duplicate (and Shift to align) Only Works Intermittently

    Duplicating objects in Illustrator CC 2017 only works on occasion, it is not consistent as it was in previous versions. Holding Shift to align while dragging and duplicating also doesn't work. These were both key features of Illustrator and if there is a way to fix this problem I would be very interested to know how!

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  3. Clipping mask from a live text is misaligned / resized / distorted

    When using a solid swatch filled variable font as a clipping mask (Hepta Slab in the attached example) the clipped paths are misaligned with the font (in display and in selection hovering).

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  4. Image Trace has a problem keeping the artwork in the same location from the original.

    Illustrator version 22.0.1

    Image trace seems to have a problem keeping artwork in the same location from the original. Screen Shot 1 shows some text that I have rasterized to be image traced. I work at a die making facility so rasterized images need to be made into vectors for our CNC machines to "read them."

    As it stands, if I image trace this text it is going to be transposed to the right and below the original. The image traced result in Screen Shot 2 is the magenta color. My original rasterized image is in black. When this specific…

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  5. Non Functional Gradient Stroke along/across options when stroke is outside/inside

    make a box, add a gradient stroke, apply gradient across stroke, align stroke to outside - you can't button does nothing.
    make a box, add a gradient stroke, align stroke to outside THEN click apply gradient across stroke...button is active but does nothing

    I have been reporting this bug and hoping for a fix for 4 years now. Going to give me back some of that money I have been giving you LOL?

    First post July 2013...

    again July 2015
    Dec 2015
    Nov 2016
    Jan 2017

    made bug reports each time, but always…

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  6. 特定のテキスト状態のファイルを開くと旧バージョンで保存されたファイルと誤検知される

    Illustrator ver.29.0





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  7. オプティカルカーニングのテキストにタブを設定しても揃わない - Optical kerning text does not align when tabs are set


    MacOS Monterey(12.7.4) + Illustrator 2024(28.4.1)

    1. テキストオブジェクトに文字パネルで「文字間のカーニング:オプティカル」を設定する
    2. 「タブ」パネルで「タブ揃え」、「タブ位置」、「リーダー」を設定する





    ---Use translation tools---

    When "Tab" and "Leader" are set on optical kerning texts, texts are not aligned at the tab position.

    Steps to reproduce:
    1. set optical kerning to the text.
    2. set tab alignment, tab position, and leader in the "Tabs" panel.

    Expected result
    Text is aligned at the specified position.

    Actual result:.
    Text is not aligned at the specified position.

    - Set kerning other than "optical" only for tabs in text.
    - Use kerning other than…

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  8. Line tool is immune to the Constrain Angle

    When you set up Constraint Angle to 30 or whatever is different form 0 or 90, pick up Line tool and hold Shift, it still snaps to 0, 45, 90, 135... instead of 30, 75, 120, 165...

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    Under Review  ·  Anjali responded

    Thank you for reporting the issue.
    The engineering team is looking into the concern.


  9. delete anchor point tool selecting bottom object

    When two anchors of different objects are layered on top of one another, the delete anchor point tool will always select the bottom object, whether I have the top object selected or not. The add anchor point tool and direct selection will select the top object, but I want to be able to delete the anchor from the top object without having to go into isolation mode. This wasn't the case in the previous version.

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  10. Gradient tool issues

    1. Handles on on object's Gradient Annotator are difficult to adjust once a gradient has been dropped. Usually, handles simply don't respond. User needs to start from scratch and create a brand new gradient rather than make small adjustments to existing ones.

    2. Repeated but not consistent bug: adjusting one gradient causes changes to unrelated gradients on same document.

    3. Live preview of gradient tool is prohibitively slow, esp when gradient is anywhere near an existing Effect.

    FIX: Allow us to toggle the preview effect.

    1. Dropping a color onto the gradient slider, color creates a new color-point onto slider, immediately next to existing…
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    Hi All,

    Thanks for reporting this issue. We understand your problem and investigating this issue from tolerance perspective of gradient widget on screen and slider.  We will require some specific information to investigate the other Gradient Issues, Kindly add your vote on relevant thread for below issues:

    Repeated but not consistent bug: adjusting one gradient causes changes to unrelated gradients on same document. →  

    Live preview of gradient tool is prohibitively slow, esp when gradient is anywhere near an existing Effect. →

    Gradient tool on desktop similar to the iPad version! →

    Thanks for your patience and support!

    Ankit Goyal, Illustrator Team

  11. ドキュメントのグループの抜きを設定したドキュメントをPDFで書き出したものがオーバープリントプレビューの表示と異なる

    Illustrator ver.28.6

    1. いくつかの図形を重ねて合成モードを乗算に設定したうえでグループ化しグループの抜きのチェックボックスを外す。
    2. ドキュメントのグループの抜きを設定する。
    3. PDF X4で保存する。
    4. そのPDFをAcrobatで開く。
    5. Illustrator上でのオーバープリントプレビューの表示と異なる。

    Actual result

    Expected Result


    Step to reproduce
    1. Overlap some shapes, set each objects the blending mode to Multiply, group them, and uncheck the KnockoutGroup checkbox in the Opacity panel.
    2. Set the Page Knockout Group.
    3. save the document as PDF X4 format.
    4. Open the PDF in Acrobat.
    5. The overprint preview in Illustrator is different between PDF.

    Actual result
    The display in Illustrator is different from the exported PDF.

    Expected Result
    The display of the PDF and the…

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  12. 和文組版の横組み文字列中の文字回転

    和文書体は、(欧文ベールライン位置や平均字面は様々でも)基本的には正方形の仮想ボディに納められていますので、仮想ボディの中心を回転の原点としていただければ、このような補正の手間がなくなるのではないだろうか? と考えられます。



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  13. Cambria text & large text cursor

    Looks like this was happening in 2017 as well... when using Cambria font, the cursor is 2 or 3 times as large as it should be when editing text. Makes highlighting & editing multiple rows almost impossible. I'd attach a file but others have shown the same thing already and it's simply a text box with Cambria text and a huge cursor. Text size is 11, height set at 13. In the same document but a text box using BonvenoCF, the cursor is the right height.
    Macbook Pro Mojave 10.14.5
    Adobe Illustrator CC 23.0.4

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  14. Performance issues in pixel preview on 5K retina screen

    When working in pixel preview mode on the retina screen of my iMac, the scrolling and zooming in Illustrator are very laggy. Please do the needful ASAP or we plan to move to "Affinity" because illustrator is unusable for me and its impact our workflow.

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    Under Review  ·  Anish Kumar responded

    Hi All,

    Thanks for reporting this issue and sorry for getting back so late. We are able to reproduce this issue at our end and it is currently under review.

    Anish Kumar
    Illustrator Team

  15. Preferences reset to default... EVERY time I open Illustrator

    Every time I open Illustrator, all preferences are reset to the defaults. EVERY preference, EVERY time. I've saved custom workspaces, keyboard shortcuts, etc. and those are available to be activated, every time I open the application.
    Using AI CC 2018 (22.0.1) on Windows 7, with Cloud disabled.
    I do NOT have the option to install the latest patch; I don't even have access to menu item "Check for Updates."
    Would be EXTREMELY helpful if Adobe would make the list of fixes for each patch available. I have no way of knowing when there's been an update, or what was patched…

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  16. Words get broken when hyphenation is off with no hyphens

    Illustrator (since a long ago) has a habit of breaking words in area type texts when it should not. Take a look at the test file and watch the attached GIF.

    As you can see, the second word is a long one, and Ai for some reason breaks it — although Hyphenate is off (and the language is properly chosen).

    No hyphen also is displayed at the end of the line, the word is just split.

    If we toggle the Composer from Single-Line to Every-Line, Ai at first correct the tracking and fits the word... but once the container is…

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    It turns out the file in the original report has a singular Latin 'o' mixed into the Cyrillic text, and this makes it break without a hyphen.

    The font team notifies that Unicode standart prescribes to not break between two scripts that use spaces as word breaks, so this problem can fixed sometimes later, when the team revises their reflow strategy.

    As for now, be notified it’s a very narrow case, and is a good sign that your text has homoglyphs in it.

  17. ファイル→書き出しにてJPEGを書き出す際、圧縮方式が選択したものと異なる場合がある

    Windows10/21H1 Adobe IllustratorCC 26.0.3





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  18. SVG Export Missing XML Encoding Tag

    The latest updates to Illustrator (21.0.1) seems to have removed the all-important encoding tag required by browsers to render SVG appropriately when embedding etc. in an html page.

    It exports the svg without this tag at the beginning of the file.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

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  19. Adobe Illustrator 27.8.1 creates a pdf where the colour space of the custom profile is incorrect

    I came back from holiday today and a colleague at work told me that she can't create PDF files from Adobe Illustrator with the output intent that it saves but reports a colour space error when opened in Adobe Acrobat. First I deleted all the presets but the error remained. I also tried creating a PDF file with other profiles (created by us) and the error was there for all of them. But if I used the default profiles from Adobe (e.g. Iso Coated v2), the PDF file can be opened correctly. Finally I downgraded Illustrator to version 27.7…

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  20. 合成フォント使用時、パス上文字アウトライン後の文字の回転・変形

    ver 26.2.1

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    Under Review  ·  PCM Maro responded

    Illustrator 製品版フィードバックへのご協力ありがとうございます。





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