Increase size of anchor points / handles
Anchor points and handles are hard to grab.
On denser displays the problem is amplified.
Hard to grab using stylus.

We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 22.1.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –
Warm Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience.
RV999 commented
- uservoice: Selection tolerance does not apply for selecting handles and is broken for points
- forum: Can't grab bezier control points
- and many forum entries.Please Adobe fix the tolerance of grabbing anchor points! This is vital
There are separate requests to increase the size of different UI elements:
1. Rulers:
2. Artboard captions:
There is no separate request about artboard handles though... I suggest creating a new request for it or commenting also in the #2 about it. -
whstlblwr commented
This works great for objects. Can you please apply the sizing to the artboard handles and artboard name label please? The artboard name label is too tiny on a 32" 4K monitor.
Han Jenny commented
Still sucks. I can't fix in prefs.
Ray Cabarga commented
This has not been fixed. The handles are nearly impossible to grab and it has brought my business to a halt. My system software and adobe software are completely up to date as of Jan. 2022. Please carefully read my attachment;
Carl commented
Changing the size of points/handles is pointless since the tolerance for handles stays at 1 pixel all the time anyway. This is a bug.
Please vote for the bug report below:
Chris Phillips commented
Still broken particularly on Windows.
Margaret Trauth commented
This one seems to have come back, I am finding that curve handles are only grabbable with my Wacom stylus in the very center pixel, no matter how large I’ve set the curve handles to display. I’m currently on 24.1.2 , I’m waiting for 24.2.1 to fix some issues I’ve been hearing about losing basic functions on 24.2.0 before upgrading.
dmg commented
Need to make the artboard number/name label bigger also. At 5K res its so tiny and when you have three screens you have to lean in to see it if its on the left monitor.
Alexandre Soubrier commented
I don't think that increasing the size of these anchor points is a solution. The solution is to see WHEN the software will REALLY grab the bezier handle by changing the cursor. Here are some gifs showing the problem and, in my opinion, the solution :
Lori commented
Hi Ben,
To change the anchor points and handles, go to > Preferences > Selection &anchor display (in Mac version). Hopefully you have a recent version of Illustrator.I hope that helps.
Lori -
Ben Taylor commented
OK so you have a fix, but how do you do it? where is it in preferences?
Me commented
Still sucks. I can't fix in prefs. Please, please make it work like it did in CS5.
Anonymous commented
You can change handle size in Illustrator preferences.
Anonymous commented
PLEASE do something about the hadlesize! The frustation is real!!
Jlo commented
I've already updated and it is still a problem. Please put it back to how it was on cs5. Thanks
Anonymous commented
new problem now with the adjustable node size, I am unable to select the node I want if there are other nearby nodes. Cursor ends up picking up other nearby nodes instead of the one Im TRYING to select. whats up with that?
TexyusGames commented
You have adde the ability to increase control handles for white and black artow, but other controls are still too small , like live corners, curvature tool points and smart guide ui..... I guess you wil fix this in another 10 years, yes please😂
Also there still persist a bug. Then you enables smart guides selection tolerance and snap to point preference value gets overriten by snapping tolerance value.
Lego commented
good work
Bart commented
Hi Lori,
The only workaround is not to use similar colour to the handles or go to isolate mode.