Unable to export Artboards as SVG
The AI does export to SVG. I have used this constantly in the previous version, but the new version will not save the image in SVG format using the Export for Screens option.

We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 22.1.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – https://illustrator.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/1844590 if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – https://helpx.adobe.com/support.html
Warm Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience.
Bryan Hoffman commented
Same issue here. Exporting SVG, no files are written
Svijany commented
Downgrade to 2017, problem solved.
How much are we now paying a month to beta test this software for every release? -
Ouzone commented
Upgraded to latest 2018 version but nothing changed. Downgraded to 2017 version - and everything works like a charm (I even got rid of the insufficient memory error).
There's your workaround Ashutosh!
Anonymous commented
Exporting for svg no svg files are generated in to the destination folder
InBusiness commented
22.0.1 (64-bit) illustrator cc version
opening an .ai file going to file and 'export as' to svg fails. the svg options window comes up as it should, but when clicking ok nothing happens - no file is saved.
happens after the 2018 update - on all files i have tried. -
Anonymous commented
Jasper v.d. Meer commented
that's the weirdest thing ever, but hey... it works! Thanks Ashutosh!
Michelle Diamond commented
this is rediculous!
Anonymous commented
Just had notification for an update to Illustrator. Hope this includes a fix for exporting SVG!!!
Adam commented
I'm trying to export artwork as SVG in Illustrator 2018 and the file is not created. I tried export for screens – it gives the same results.
Exporting PNG works fine.
I'm attacjing animation showing my steps. -
Phil commented
Same problem. I can export as an SVG but it refuses to recognise any artboard boundaries and always exports the entire document. Immensely frustrating.
Jake commented
It's pretty hard to argue with people that they should not be migrating to Sketch because Adobe is going to do a better job when you guys are blowing it on basic features. I don't know the tech behind writing svg output but it's a basic feature...much more so than say writing a PDF which is sort of complicated.
I'm a web design and developer and I do expect more! I'm sort of impressed with XD, but I need all these apps to work like the video production tools which allow me to bounce assets back and forth and export in virtually any format imaginable.
I vote for no more stupid phone editing and get to work on the real tools!
Hitesh Sharma commented
Could you please share the crash dump with us, so that we can look into the issue.
crash dump can be collected using steps given in following article,
https://helpx.adobe.com/in/illustrator/kb/crash-next-steps.html -
Mikael commented
This doesn't work. Exporting for SVG makes Illustrator CC crash, no matter how you open or choose to save it.
Workaround: I use Sketch instead.
Anonymous commented
I tried every workaround - but i dont get any proper svg out of illustrator. The svgs are showing up now, but they are totaly messy, far away from usable. They have to be finished since yesterday - any solutions?
Sheldon commented
The only thing that worked for me was to reset Illustrator Preferences by starting it with cmd+opt+shift.
Sheldon commented
This workaround doesn't fix it for me, even after full reboot. Running MacOS Sierra.
John Grimes commented
The workaround posted does not work for me.
John Grimes commented
I'm also unable to export SVG since I updated to version 22.
Hitesh Sharma commented
Hi Philip,
Thanks for sharing the concern,
Could you please tell us, if you are launching Illustrator through document (double click or with open with options).Please help us in providing the steps you are taking to reproduce this issue.